VR totally killed this conference.
Draign's forum posts
Too many pages in here for me to go back through and search if my answer is here but anyone chime in some answers for me if they know? I was going to create a thread, but figured it would get locked...lol. Anyways, onto the questions...
1st question...
I was under the impression that ALL games would be enhanced by the Xbox One X and wouldn't have to go through "updates" like the Pro did with some of its titles. While I do enjoy my Pro, I wish more titles would be enhanced for it. Seems the Xbox One X is following similar approach? I did notice The Witcher 3 on the list which is awesome because I know the Pro didn't enhance this game. So I'm guessing it's up to the developers for who wants to update the games visuals and take advantage of the Xbox One X correct?
2nd question...
I noticed Gears of War 4, Killer Instinct, Forza Horizon III, and can't remember the other title would be getting the Xbox One X updates for free. I'm assuming that these are the primary console exclusives that would get the update, but what about the others? Sunset Overdrive, Recore, Ori, etc? Phil Spencer mentioned these would be "free" and now I'm thinking they're going to charge for Xbox One X enhancements?
I think all game get minor enhancements the likes of faster load times, but updates are different. The updates are making the games 4k natively. Halo 5, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, and Recore will probably be announced once they are ready. I am excited for all of them quite honestly..
@NFJSupreme: and Crackdown looks better?
Yes, Crackdown looks better on 1X. You can argue which artstyle is better.
This game is so far behind Infanous SS. All those years of hyping and filling up the yearly library (to then be delayed of course) and that's what we get? Can we all agree Crackdown will be the next RECORE? Its almost inevitable at this point.
Recore is a single player game. Crackdown 3 will be insanely popular if it even comes close to the first Crackdown.
I genuinely have no idea where you're seeing that. Games with brainless gameplay (you know, like jumping in the air and blind fire rockets all over the place) tend to get old in a matter of hours.
GTA , Saints Row, and Crackdown are all brainless open-world games. They seem to be able to stick around.
Don't put GTA and Crackdown in the same boat. They're nowhere near the same. GTA has great characters, missions, voice acting etc. Crackdown has wut? Brainless gameplay, nothing else.
When it comes to online multiplayer, it boils down to brainless gameplay. Dont try to say GTA is some type of sophisticated game made for hardcore gamers.
This game is so far behind Infanous SS. All those years of hyping and filling up the yearly library (to then be delayed of course) and that's what we get? Can we all agree Crackdown will be the next RECORE? Its almost inevitable at this point.
Recore is a single player game. Crackdown 3 will be insanely popular if it even comes close to the first Crackdown.
I genuinely have no idea where you're seeing that. Games with brainless gameplay (you know, like jumping in the air and blind fire rockets all over the place) tend to get old in a matter of hours.
GTA , Saints Row, and Crackdown are all brainless open-world games. They seem to be able to stick around.
You coming from a region that dont give a big F about prices , value or whatever. The world though is a big place and if you wanna do some serious sales all around the globe , you want to appeal to casuals and smaller markets. So good for you having money to spend and having whatever you want , i on the other hand i wouldnt even touch X1X even if it was at 200$ price tag because my PC is more than enough to play all of its games at 1080p AND to me PS4 PRO / Switch makes far more sense to spend my precious money on.
You see how different approach there is between you , a guy from bigger market that doesnt even care to spend 500$ just like that and a guy like me , that choose the best value ( which systems offers what software wise in short ) to gives his money to ? Thats my point all along among other things i mentioned.
If you have a capable PC able to run games better than an Xbox 1X, why are you even speaking on it? Be happy that you dont have to purchase anything. Who gets upset that they dont have to purchase something that they dont want to? I will be upgrading my original xbox one, and excited to do so.
Because i predicted everything and because this is a forum to talk about Xbox E3 Conference and its announcements. Why you think im here and why you think im upset ? All im giving are my opinions and predictions , nothing more nothing else. You on the other hand dont have to be upset with what im saying. You got your X1X and its all fine isnt ? Good for you.
You predicted everything yet you are upset about the E3 conference and 1X price points? I dont mind opinions that make sense.
I can understand why you might be upset over what im talking about. Also im backing up all my opinions , not talking generic craps. I would be upset ONLY if i was interested in X1X in the first place. Since i never was nor i never will all i can do is observe and say my thoughts over the system. I dont care if that makes you upset , ill keep saying my opinion you like it or not.
So you are spewing opinions on a console you have 0 interest in a thread regarding said console. What a waste of time that is. V for Vendetta.
The fact is that the system does not lack games. You can pretend that games should only be counted if they are exclusives but that is not how things work. The reality is the MS from here on out will be pushing games for their UWP. Also stop saying I am have said something for years and I have not. And feel free to quote me on anything relating to this claim "Halo gears and Forza and lemmings such as your self could not stop bragging about how the xbox was worth getting for games like those." When I did not like Halo 5 and did not like Gears 4. Don't confuse me or try to misquote me for your stupid fanboy agenda.
The rest of your post is the typical fanboy bullshit. Feel free to dial back when you have something of substance to add.
Yes it does specially compare to what sony has on its platform.
Well you can pretend that any one needs a damn xbox one when they have have the same games on PC superior and with free online play.
Gears 4 and Halo 5 are this gen game not last gen ones,my comments are based on past gens.
Oh yeah my stupid agenda the one who quoted you openly damage controlling 720p games on xbox one and claiming the difference was nothing because you seat far away from your TV.
You don't like exclusive this gen? Fine but don't pretend every one is like you,when in reality what MS did piss allot of fans,why pay for an xbox to play games you also can play on PC and you don't even have to dip into xbox live fees and play PC exclusives as well?
indeed there is no lack of games, the fact that games are on pc as well doesn't matter, console gamers are mostly not pc gamers and now ms has the best console money can buy.
Yes it does and make your console irrelevant,specially with that $60 live fee which on PC you avoid and can use toward more games or stronger hardware.
Which you didn't care about unlike the PS4 vs xbox one where the PS4 was actually cheaper and 40% stronger the same year,Pro is $100 cheaper while also being 43% weaker and was release for months scorpio is not here.
I think they did a great job of selling it. The 1st 4k capable gaming console with a 4k UHD BD player. That sold it for me. and probably any gamer with a 4k TV. Had the pro been able to do that I would have gotten one as well. Not to mention for the graphic whores and performances whores every game will look and play best on it even with a 1080p TV. On launch day i can play gears 4 and crackdown 3 in 4k.
I think most gamers with 4k set will not even care,and i think the price while is fair for what scorpio has,it is a problem for MS,double of what the XBOS cost to get just a graphics boost will not cut it,take the PS4 Pro was $150 and most people went for the $249 slim the price gap is the real problem for pro and Scorpio.
I dont think MS will mind people purchasing a $249 slim. In fact, Phil stated that the slim is expected to lead in sales by a wide margin. The consumers are making a purchase either way.
@Syferonik: Crackdown 1 & 2 were both mediocre games. It seems like they had an interesting idea with this one. Ultimately, that idea turned into nothing more than a tech demo as I see nothing here.
That's what i've been saying. Its been crap from the very beginning. And when you ask a fan of the series what they liked about the first two, all you hear is 'i liked collecting green orbs, guys'. Really? Gameplay is so mediocre that collecting orbs is the strength of the series lmao.
Do you know what collecting orbs does to your player?
Recore is a single player game. Crackdown 3 will be insanely popular if it even comes close to the first Crackdown.
And get this blurry mess out of my face. J/K but not really.
I have a Surface Pro 4 loaded and I question their strategy on the Xbox One X.
Why? As someone who doesnt game on PC at all, I dont see an issue.
It's overpriced by 100 USD.
The price is right where I expected. If you cant afford it, wait until November 2018 to fall in price.
I make close to 200k a year.
It's about being smart with money.
If youre smart with money, Im surprised youre announcing your yearly salary to a video game forum.
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