Sales again right......PS3 easily has the best game out there and they don't play it safe like MS does. MS hardly has any good exclusive games outside of Halo, Gears, Alan Wake, etc. What will you say when PS3 outsells 360? which will happen very soon.
exactly we just got freaking God of War 3 which is an epic game while lemmings are still waiting for Alan Wake and another Haylo for an exclusive lol
PS3 is definitely taking risks and it's paying off you should see how many people I saw at gamestop buying the system for God of War 3 the days of the haylo parties are almost over people are getting sick of that generic shooter lemmings are turning to cows and the 5 million lead is shrinking fast.
that year head start for microsoft was a waste microsoft shouldve done more and it failed.
Can you prove this 5 million lead is shrinking fast because last I checked 360 just otusold PS3360 may be winning npd but ps3 is winning worldwide which is giving it a bigger revenue than 360.
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