Let me use your argument. Sony released some sort of psuedo-motion sensing device on the PS2. Nintendo Revolutionised (See what I did there?) it. It's like The difference that Doomwas, compared to Wolfenstein. So, in your own words, "lolyou = pwned good".
no because you forgot that ps3 will revolutionise the motion sensing for good games unlike wii.
you won't see imagine babiez on the ps3 but good games using precise motion sensing.
so while we play starcraft and motion fighter you'll be playing imagine babiez and imagine horsez
so who wins ?
it's great being optimistic and all but so far all we've seen is shovelware in HD
also after the wii... i'm over motion controls, surely i can't be alone in this (only exception being golf)
motion controls is the future of videogames you can bet on that so if your over then your gonna have to beover for good in videogames.
sony is not about shovelware those so called shovelware in hd are just to show the power of motion sensingps3 will utilize the motion sensing to what we always wanted the wii to be when it came out instead of shovelware.
Motion Fighter is one example a fighting brawler that makes you feel like your fighting, that is something that I always thought would be cool and wanted the wii to have.
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