@ant19831983 so many casual gamers that d/l game and never play thats where they get their crap numbers even if someone plays it for seconds or just d/l's it
@Krellenn @draken2533 some books but as far as music i want physical so i can do what i want with it. Like itunes oh i can only play it on that device F that. Very few games i buy digital mainly $20 or less games all new ones i buy physical of because i want to have in my possession what i buy not something online. Have you not heard of the horror stories of accounts being deleted or games/movies/books being discontinued on an online service and then you don't have what you bought and you're just SoL. So you just paid full price for something that will one day disappear. For instance XBLA games i deleted a couple that i haven't played in awhile i went to d/l them again and they are no more and thats what makes it a principal to me.
@MonkerzX more so the shareholders need to make more money and the top people cause we know thats how it goes when it comes to a publicly traded company
yep and companies didn't last this long with used game sales STFU Cliffy B. Hope most people know that marketing budget usually rivals dev cost to make the game so quit spending so much on marketing we as gamers use this thing called social media and word of mouth
@larkin-54 @draken2533 @matticles I work for a small studio and who the **** are you to tell me that M$ can tell my customers what they can or can't do with a physical copy of my IP. As a business we allow anyone to do what they want with it and even multiple installs.
@larkin-54 @draken2533 @matticles again as M$ who are you to tell me who can and can't pass my physical copy around of a game i made last time i checked it's MY IP not M$'s.
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