@larkin-54 @matticles says who? You speak for all the companies? Considering most studios allow you to pass a game around at your discretion. M$ is pretty much saying look we are gonna tell you what you can do with your license that you bought from a different company.
@larkin-54 @draken2533 it's just like all IP's so what your saying is sharing a movie or some music shouldn't be happening or are you saying source code holds more importance than other IP's. the business model is pure greed.
@larkin-54 not code, physical copy of game wtf are you talking about sharing a physical copy to play a game and handing out source code totally different
@m4a5 @fitch129 also mass produced so you can get a shit product from time to time. I never use flash drives unless needed. My SSD has been going strong for a couple years now but i see the problem being that SSD is still pretty new defiantly compared to HDD
@CaveManCobb it does have a point because over the years we have seen companies change stuff. ps3 remember linux then no linux, BC to no BC but w/e X1 is shit pure anti consumer
@DJSkingz @Eagllefirestorm when did gamespot become english 101? Why don't you take your happy ass to school where an english teacher might actually give two shits
@okeanis @Bazongaman502 and then people will boycott those publishers products. Unlike being FORCED into DRM by M$ you buy a game you share with 1 person and 1 person only. So tell me how is it the same? because sony is leaving it to publishers and xbox is doing it themselves. mind you i'm a hardcore 360 fan that is going ps4 over this crap
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