@Tsiawddood @draken2533 parents basement huh haven't lived there in about 14 years sorry to disappoint. You should try removing your head from you know where since you may find that an open mind will serve you better in life. You obviously have no idea what anti consumer is.
I was all about the new xbox until the M$ reveal where they came out and pretty much said hey we are the new ANTI CONSUMER with this new info in the past 24 hours and if Sony doesn't follow suit guess i'm gonna have to find people to play online with for ps4 since i think my FL consists of maybe 6 people on PSN. Just because they say kinect only listens to for one command to turn on what is stopping people like the gov't agencies from just watching when you think your systems is off?
The fact that this explosive report about gov't pulling info from all these companies skype/M$ (and more) they admitted and not in such words that X1 can spy on you for the gov't. "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." we have allowed our gov't to spy on every aspect of our lives since passing the Patriot act and now with NDAA you can be detained without trial or due process if you say something in your living room the gov't doesn't like you could find yourself in a prison cell for a very long time and not be able to contact anyone.
@Tsiawddood throwing a fuss? to bad i travel around the world for work and certain areas have little or no internet so me not being able to take my system with me when i'm out of the country for months at a time doesn't matter huh? PS3, cell phone and TV DOESN'T, say it with me now REQUIRE an internet connection. and about your mobile hotspot that is IF you pay a fee for having a mobile hotspot derp can't fix stupid i guess
@Adavanter @FAIL_TR0LL i'm pretty sure they will push it out for ps4 at some point at least i'm hoping if not gonna get for pc. It's "leaked" and we just have to wait a couple days to see whats up during announcement at E3
@VincentVendetta game was so awesomely bad it would work great on this new tech though considering they were using building scans as overlay for the cities. I logged way to many hours on it thats for sure
@macca366 people choose to forget the ideas of CoD came from these guys and they are the ones that pushed soooo hard for MW when activision was say NO. Only time will tell but this game is for sure on my radar after talking to respawns "gun guy"
draken2533's comments