@Vidpci @theKSMM but if you have gps on your phone and certain apps installed it will see where you are 24/7 and who really has that data and what are they doing with it. apps can listen to calls, take pictures, view text, etc.
@cjlebron they have said it needs to be connected at all times. obviously still time for them to back track but i doubt it, since they would lose massive advertising revenue
@landfill_dump it's more for the fact we gotta speak up and stop these guys before they go all in on this. Once they do it for consoles whats going to stop other companies from following suit. Think if we were all paid by these companies to watch their ads just really think about how many ads you see throughout the day.
@simulacraman M$ gets money by you paying for box, XBL, used games, XBLA, all the while it makes money off of all advertising customizing those ads equal more revenue since companies will pay more for ads directed at people that would be more inclined to buy their product. So if I were to buy I would be paying for a service that makes money off of me in every way shape and form. GREED at it's worst ><
@MarcusFeelius @draken2533 i like how you use those words "at least microsoft WILL LET YOU resell" why i know a bunch of people won't buy it's the principal of the matter
@Pirate700 @draken2533 and no one would buy used at all so it doesn't matter what i'm gathering is that used games at a used store will only get a percentage of game sale and rest go pub and M$
draken2533's comments