@MarcusFeelius doesn't matter it's still fact xbox is taking a cut of just because it touches their system because they are on their knees servicing the pubs
@yeah_28 i think most people that know whats going on wouldn't buy either of course there is exceptions i personally make alot of money but on PRINCIPAL i wouldn't buy either.
@MarcusFeelius it's not going to drop it's a giant money suck. remember pubs are blaming used market for prices and lack of sales even if everyone bought a Xbox one and they get all this money games will stay the same price it's the publishers making the money most devs that go through pubslihers make about ~$14 a game
@deathstream @Aphyosemion still better that it's left up to the publishers over M$ or Sony cramming it down our throats i like be kissed on the mouth if i'm gonna be fucked
@Dannystaples14 @miguelgreene so since they are making more money are we going to see a price drop. F NO!!!! they are making money off of used games and consumers won't see any benefit whatsoever
@ggregd @Redblaze27 saying this if valve just released their sale numbers which i've seen it would just send a giant STFU to all these companies because sale prices equal way more volume sold
@BigKing1992 @draken2533 it doesn't affect you so screw everyone else sorry if your buddy broke your game but when i have a library of over 250 current gen games that were all bought brand new and friends and family that want to borrow a game I paid for can't play them you just say oh well doesn't affect me. Ignorance is bliss and living that way is the reason so many things are wrong in this world if nothing affects you then you don't care
@cheese232323 yep and the only people truely to blame are themselves but we know it will be blamed on pirates, social medias, or the internet in general.
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