@bmart970 @the_hunger sony instantly wins this next gen race with the hardcore/informed gamers if they choose to stay away from the used games thing since they already said no internet connection is needed and no always on kinect but since sony hasn't pounced i'm betting they "signed a deal with the devil"(ie:publishers)
@sephirothsfan02 @smeedy187 i knew something was up as soon as EA said they were done with season pass's so it really makes me wonder if the same deal was made with sony and it just hasn't been confirmed yet but regardless you don't have to connect to internet once a day and don't have a kinect that is always on
@MicK765 @AlwaysRunning @granola_goodnes you are naive to think that the money goes to devs it goes to pubs and then into the pockets of shareholders as dividends
@krystyla thats implying that most gamers are kids when average age of gamers are ~34 y/o. would you care to tell me again how mommy and daddy are gonna make these consoles viable when most won't have nothing to do with them Social media is way bigger than it was on 360 launch
@AlwaysRunning @brucemoto yep and people can't tell the difference between publisher and developer. Publishers only care about bottom line and paying their "shareholders" not devs and not consumers so wake up and understand these corps don't care about you all they care about is money to line their pockets with.
@brucemoto you should quit believing these giant corporations propaganda they push on you, your a sheep. Bottom line only matters why do you think M$ is taking a cut of that used game even though they have NOTHING to do with Gamestop or the publishers/devs.
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