@KenderDragon @cruonline they have left it open ended and came out with enough contradictions for them to easily go one way or another and it will come with "oopps we misspoke"
@deathblow3 @Prats1993 @krystyla doesn't matter cause as soon as or IF sony jumps on this same boat all actual gamers are going to be very hesitant to buy any console i'm pretty sure sony has been and still is watching all this.
@krystyla @draken2533 I have a problem with a company coming into my living room for the purpose of profiting under the guise of "making a better gaming environment"
@ZIMdoom not true it's not the ONLY thing, try you have to connect to internet every 24 hours and you have an always connected kinect that can watch and see whats in your place and record anything you say not for big brother aspect but for advertising on a service that you pay a monthly fee for
@deathblow3 same boat kids can't play on another xbox we as the gaming community need to inform people of this garbage M$ is pulling this thing is as Anti-consumer as they come
so they are cutting into brick and mortar stores and taking profits for doing nothing but forcing used game stores to agree to their terms. I understand pubs and devs making more but M$ come on i hope Sony doesn't go this route or i will be going pc only
love my 360. getting ps4 if sony was wise they should pounce on full clarification of what they are doing vs all the negative xbox stuff shot to the head while they are down
draken2533's comments