@david1230 @draken2533 @shinyyoungster yes and companies like these need to be rallied behind by gamers that support them because there are to few companies that care about their customer. I look at it this way if i go to a store and all the people are assholes i'm not going back with companies like EA that are a bunch of assholes so i stay away from their products. Witcher 2 wasn't my cup of tea but i bought it just to support them.
@david1230 @draken2533 @shinyyoungster devs of TL2 did that $20 brand new digital d/l only because publishing it at retail would of cost us consumers $50 and they still would have made the same amount for each game no matter what medium it was sold through. Devs like this i throw money at because they have the consumers best interest which we all can agree is AWESOME
@RossRichard people fail to understand publishers answer to shareholders and of course they will give any excuse just so people will keep investing I stay the hell away from the majority of gaming stocks they are volatile and rumors alone can send stocks up and down
@ScreamDream @draken2533 here.....Not my fault your interpreting a strong game as a BLOCKBUSTER game is that better for you since you like to mince words so much
@ScreamDream @draken2533 your the one that brought up blockbuster games not the OP he said "a really strong game". Not my fault your interpreting a strong game as a AAA game
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