It looks like i'm gonna have to recommend X1 to people that play mostly online and PS4 to people that play single player. Dedicated servers are no punk was going to pass up new CoD but now i'm gonna have to get it and see what its like with no P2P.
@Grenadeh Cox upped the speed because century link started dropping GB lines in my city so they increased to 150mb from 50mb but kept the cap the same even though they don't throttle they spam me with emails even though i've called and talked to them a bunch. It's just like cell companies some try to charge for 4g when they are using the same towers for 3g. It's all about lining their pockets I wish the feds would step in since FCC regulates and say enough is enough.
@instigator81 @draken2533 most people that are online alot that game,d/l,work from home, watch netflix/hulu, etc if they had a choice of a company with no data caps or data caps we all know what we would choose. Now we just need more than google offering this and we as consumers win. Of course these companies excuses are oh well netflix and hulu take so much bandwidth blah blah blah when they have had networks in place since the 90's and have sat there making money hand over fist.
@dmastor @danielbirchal I don't own any itunes songs cause I can't do what i want with it and cellphone games which i never buy which none of these are $60 a piece. I hate apple with a passion and all their mindless drones Itunes is screwing everyone you buy music and you can only use it on what they let you F apple i will by cd's just on principal or if they sell a digital that i can do with what i please
@instigator81 @biggamer194 but on the other hand these companies have sat stagnate at current speeds then google comes along with fiber for cheap,high speed, no data caps now companies are starting to do something again. Don't you notice for the most part cable companies don't try to compete in same markets as their competitors they take on a monopoly role in individual cities. Century link just started putting in 1Gb lines in where i live and now Cox is being forced to up their speeds competition is good, ignorance isn't.
@instigator81 for me it's not owning an actually physical copy to do what i see fit with and BS data caps which were put in place after net neutrality were passed. I have 150mb line and they still only give 400GB data cap while me and my wife work from home, use netflix/hulu, play online, upload and download data i can go through 400gb in >15 days
Only if there is cheaper pricing and the one big thing for almost everyone BS DATA CAPS which were instituted after net neutrality. Going digital won't work as well unless caps are increased or they do away with them IMO
draken2533's comments