@xChi3FtheB34sTx still hope for NFL pulling they're license EA has been rehashing the same old crap for years so if it opens the doors to other companies to pay conferences/schools to make a game so be it
For the younger crowd why it's so big is that when espn 2k5 was launched it was $20 brand new while madden was $50 to which EA had to drop the price to $30 to stay in the game... The following year EA bought up the NFL license and then the games were $60 and have been rehashed crap ever since.
@IshikawaS9 @jd7904 intelligent comment because it's the truth the banking cartel set it up and most people still think it's gov't run. Perpetual debt was their objective and they more than succeeded by not only putting people in debt but countries in debt through the IMF and they are all connected. The Rothchilds executed they're plan flawlessly but now so many are waking up to the truth that we are corporate owned elite controlled.
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