@racerxgundam @draken2533 @Latiran how is the system forcing you to be online they removed that weeks ago? You don't have to accept it you don't have to buy it so whats your problem? Oh thats right your opinion has to be others facts because you can't stand it when someone has a differing opinion that is the definition of a tool you clown
@racerxgundam @Latiran your calling people tools yet your telling people what they should and shouldn't buy with they're money? You are spied on constantly if a gaming console concerns you best not ever use a smartphone or the net. You say it's ridiculous to compare the two? Oh because it makes you look like a duck so you have to exclude everything but consoles or the fact you don't go online so that means your statements of opinion become fact? Your a clown plain and simple. I'm buying both what you gonna do about it oh yeah nothing.
What they are saying is the gov't pays them for our metadata but people for real you think sony doesn't do this shit too, along with every other company out there. Gov't uses our tax dollars to spy on us. Look at Snowden being charged with espionage when the definition of it is giving info to the enemy therefore saying the american people are the enemy.
draken2533's comments