@beardface21 no one can argue free games lol. m$'s response was even better oh uh we are gonna give you free games too even though they are 3-5 years old lmao. love how sony is giving a version of driveclub for free on launch as well.
I will take dedicated over p2p all day so many people 'cheat' now on p2p. I game enough that i do notice a HUGE difference between sony's and M$'s service hoping though once sony rolls out their "cloud" it will mean dedicated servers too but with it launching in 2014 they are going to have to work on the kinks where M$'s has been running azure for ~6 years.
@Hurvl @draken2533 no company even comes close to steam and when we tell vavle we(my studio) want our game in one of their bundles it's sooo easy and game sales just skyrocket when that happens
at this point i'm looking more to what the multiplayer is going to be like with pc by far being top for free i don't think sony is gonna beat out M$ in that department. I can't tell you how many times i've been d/c'd from matches even with a 150mb connect on PS then when i go over to the xbox i have no problem. X1 will have dedicated servers available with the azure cloud and as a gamer it makes me grin ear to ear knowing what we have had since the 90's as pc gamers is FINALLY coming to consoles
draken2533's comments