Some people are just bitter when i was there it seemed to work great and people got along and we got all the help we needed but was only there for a week. I'm sure there is a popular crowd but the fact that she references that multiple times makes me wonder if she was the anti social type leading her to feel like an outcast but who really knows. The fact that they let her leave with that tech is unheard of in this day, if it was any other company she would of left with nothing.
no matter what system you get it still sucks we are gonna have to wait years till we see games at their full potential just like every other console out there. But we all know they both will be awesome gaming machines
@KamuiFei it's all anti-consumer to begin with. I got a lead bar for my new xbox camera when it's purchased. someone will find a work around they always do at least i don't have to #dealwithit on the ps4
@beardface21 @draken2533 yeah sony even on the new ps4 is gonna allow use of things like netflix and hulu without a scrip. There is not doubt M$ is stupid for making you have a scrip but also the fact they were pushing always online at first. You receive the data from those streaming companies servers anyways. I do notice my load times on xbox are much faster. Netflix and their load times tough my god does it take for ever to load up on M$ and Sony machines and i'm talking about booting up the program as well as hulu.
draken2533's comments