Well this will be my last entry in my blog, I will only come continue reading 2-3 blogs.
At least enjoy this one.
Some pics might be offensive but they are not meant right at you, just made me laugh...
Well this will be my last entry in my blog, I will only come continue reading 2-3 blogs.
At least enjoy this one.
Some pics might be offensive but they are not meant right at you, just made me laugh...
So here are some more funny pics, maybe some crude language but I don't think you guys and girls will be offensed...
And I am doing fine just really taken by my job and school.
Oh and note that I am not the one who made the pics I found them that's all.
Kids who really make their mom happy...
old but if you wanted to see it again ;)
Would have been fun to see his face hwen he woke up no?
quite funny....
You really want to eat their steak? Ô_o
Still trust your firefighters?
I want these stickers
I only see an open mag or book ,you?
and simply 3 oranges...
Better not go this way man...
not funny but quite good
can you hold it a little longer?
so this new entry isn't about anything but only pics of everything and nothing from cars to cartoons passing by jokes too, only pics from things I like, enjoy.
Cartoons I like and that you might know....
and now the jokes...
for you girls
so sorry again 56k and I hope you guys liked it...
well I will see you all after it. its hot and sunny so I wil lgo out and have fun.
well since nobody checked or commeted the first one just check it out!
its below
Paper toys are cool, check out thsi site! I alreadt made the messerschmitt. http://papertoys.com/messerschmitt.htm
you should try it.
And here is the homepage where you can find more models. have a good time! http://papertoys.com/
here are a couple of funny pics friends and people I know send me , enjoy!
er... nice jeans, sorry girls but its a nice one
for québécois and vidéotron users only
the kitty is back with the link http://bextruthfinder.blogs.com/mental_equilibrium/files/slave_kitten.jpg
so thats it for now, I hope you have enjoyed the pics...
just checked out my profiel and I am in 7 unions. :| one time officer and six time recruit. so tahts means 7 no participation since I don't really get the point to that. sorry for all of you who got me as a weight.
do you pardon me?
these are ol moviesso do yo uknow them? do you like them?
don't you like this one?
the herbie movies?
well I have many otehrs but I think it will be ok
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