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dremorius20 Blog


"Brrr" its cold here. Its been a week with outdoor temperature around -20c and -30 with the wind. They say it will not end before the week-end! :cry: But I will survive, I am tough like every other Canadians.:D So thats it for the moment.

Il fait froid en vera dehors! Il dise que ça ne finiras pas avant la fin de semaine. Je sais pas pour toi Briza ( si tu lis cetet entrée) mais moi j'ai congé mercredi alors je peux rester au chaud chez moi! :P

P.S. from your comments I understood that online translator are not worth knowing the language so I will writte my future message in both languages for all users. Everyone is happy now?

Premiere semaine de que 14 et c'est fini!

Alors comme vous l'avez constaté, cette entrée de mon journal est en français. Ça fait du bien de pouvoir parler dans sa langue maternelle. :D (For english users , just use a translator, I decided to writtte this entry in my first language: French)

Alors c'est ça. J,ai seulement 6 cours cette session! J'ai donc beaucoup de temps de libre. Le mercredi c'est congé tout comem le jeudi matin.

Mon cours de dessin technique 2 est le plus intéressant. Je vasi enfin savoir comment utiliser photoshop et je vais faire de beaux rendus. :D

Je sais que c'est une entrée plutôt moche, mais l'inspiration ne me venais pas. Vous êtes libres de faire des commentaires ou pas.

salut la gang!

One day...

One day I'll be popular here on GS! I only need one more friend( I think) to have the popular emblem! the problem is that up

to now ,nobody send me a friend request or I haven't send one. Well I choose my friends maybe thats why! :cry:

3 parts entry...

1- I have a kind of sad news... We lost a friend. :( DrakenARTZ have decided to stop going on this site... She was cool...:cry: ( but did any of you were having her in your friend list?)

2- About 3 days ago, my mom was reading her horoscope and she told me mine. I am an Aries and she ask me my ascendant( or influence don't know wich one) but I din't know it. So she made my sky map and she founbd that I am a pure Aries. Aries ascendant(or influence) Aries. What's your sign?

3-At my job 2 girls gave me a new nickname: Jean-Niniche... argh! I really don't like it. Because I ahve a 2 parts name I have many nicknames here's a list:

  • Jean ( the most used)
  • Jean-Nic
  • Jean-Nicho
  • Nico
  • J-N
  • Nicholas
  • Johnny
  • ...

So what do you think? Oh and please if you make comments on any of those point could you please put number before each, just to know on what you are making a comment. thanks. :D


Party time! :D Bring the beer, the girls and put some good music. Iam finally level 10 so that mean I can put a pic in my journal header! :D I was waiting after this for a moment.

But I need your opinon guys! Do you like the one I have or should I change it? Any ideas? :D

Was there an hidden message behing that?

For christams I received a Armani " eau de toilette pour homme". the name of the brand is mania, it smell good but

*holding the bottle in one hand and checking with a suspicous glance while scartching my chin* was there an hidden

message behind the gift?:| you know like "I smell bad". But I don't think so, I take a shower and put deodorant every

morning. But it still put the doubt inside of me!:cry:

oh and I know I am a little late for this but I also received (for christmas) 3 dvd: -Dodgeball

-Resident evil Apocalypse

-The Birds(from Hitchcock)

money and plane models...:D

so thats it for today.


AH! damn, I am so tired. Yesterday, I worked 11H30 at my job. It was the january 1st. I enter the place at 6h45 in the morning and left it at 7H45 at night. :|

But the only good point is that I made a lot of cash for this day. So I am a rich tired boy. :D

BTW, I know one or two user ask for it so I have a pic of me, if you want to have it just pm me. But be careful, I will read and take note of every request so you know what to do.


Merry Chistmas All

well, see the th title. I know its one day before the tiem but I won't have access to a computer for all the weekend. I go in the north to see mt family.

So I wish you A Merry Christmas, all the gifts you asked for, Be healthy, have luck and success in everything you will do..

I know its uncle -like speech but its always fun to hear..



Just for this time I will had something.

I own Baten Kaitos and I think all of gamecube owners who loves rpg must have this one.

Thats all.