dremorius20 Blog
whats the deal with Unions?
by dremorius20 on Comments
I mean in two days I received 8 invitation to join unions.... Am i this popular or it is normal and everyone had those too?
My first review...
by dremorius20 on Comments
Your opinon counts and I want it....
by dremorius20 on Comments
well I hope I get your attention and I didn't lied in the title I want your opinion. this entrry is a kind of reflecti0on and I want to know what you think.
Its been a while in school and at the job that I fell this. I think I am still a kid. I have noy lied to you , I am really 18 and everythinhg in my profile, its just that I don't think that at 18 I am an adlut. By the law I am but not for the other things. I mean I see other students( most of them are between 20 and 25) and people at the job( between 20 and 40) asking between them if everythinhg is going well how the fee of the apartment, the car and other things like that. I am not in the subject, I am no reject but its just that it doesn't touch me so I am kinda out. I feel there is a "space" between them and me, between the adult and kid. I am still living at my parents home and I don't have my car so its makes my life different. They are good people and its just that I feel out of the discussion or juts like a rookie for that. One day I will have those thinhgs and understand but i will never make it to be in the group... thats what I think. Do you get what I say? Do am I still a kid by this or am I an adult? Do I say good thinhgs or correct thinhgs for my age? some say I am a mature person, what about you?
I think this is like being a man. You know its not about the age, whats written on a paper or the law, its about what you really are. Being a man is not somethinhg you describe by the tool but by how you act and do thinhgs. For this point some women are beeter than soem men. Being a man is being able to make the right choice when its important, being able to make live your family, being able to solve your problem without puting anybody else in the s**t, being abvle to help without needing something in return, being able to understand whats good for you and the other around you.... thats being a man.Again its not by the book or the law you see it but by the act of the oerson. so thats it for my reflection.
Do I look like a kid for you?
Back in the days...
by dremorius20 on Comments
I got some time free today so I am thinking about my childhood and how fun and cool it was when I was In primary school and High school. Actually I am still iving in teh same palce but since I go to Montréal I am missing my place :( its one of teh best place to live around Montréal . Its really beautiful and calm here is some links and pics of my primary school, high school and my town :
-Library: thats our Library. Its like 4 stries high in the middle. It looks like a church inside. The roof are high so you have space and everything is quiet and silent.
here is what it looks like inside. I know teh pic is small but its the only one I can find
-thats where I went in primary: its called: École Le Tounesol.
-here is my high school: http://esol.csp.qc.ca/ only the link sorry. It was cool becasue it was also calm. It has some big windows in the roof and the walls so most of teh light is natural. It was giving the mood of teh day so when the day ended it was a little bit dark and it gived a slow mood to the people and teh place.
And finally here is the link to the site of my town: http://www.ville.beloeil.qc.ca/cadre_attraits.html
you also have pics of the place so what do you think?
New clothes....
by dremorius20 on Comments
I really need new clothes, mine are olds and some are in a good state so I will buy new ones. I usually wear phat farm, Johnny Blaze, Lugz, and Clench clothes if any of you klnow those brand. So i Decided to go to Phat Farm Store next week to see what I can get. I went to their site and I found a cool sweater. http://www.phatfarm.com/nshop/product.php?view=detail&productid=PF-PSW42904&startColor=&groupName=sweaters&page=&dept=tops&category
here is the link so what do you think of it?
Resident evil 4, school stuff and a poll...
by dremorius20 on Comments
So I will go with the order I put in the title so, yesterday I played more to RE4. ITs the best of the serie I think.Iknow I have said it many times ( for those who have read my posts and/or chat with me). I don't know for you (those who have the game) but I am in the castle, at the shooting range thing for 7:30-7:40 hours of playing time. Am I fats, slow or just ok?
Now school stuff: -Today I have learned taht my philo teacher will be absent for the next 4 weeks! Party time!:D plusi st my last class in a set of 3.
- Tomorrow its my musculation class. :D Last week we sarted training slowly. It was cool and but to slow I think ,so this week I REALLY want to make progrees and be better. I need to work on my biceps! Damn taht I am weak. When it was the time to pull the 35 pounds weight above my head I was only able to lift it 3 times. I am sure many of you heer beat me ! :| If you are training how much weight can you lift?
-Friday its my photoshop class. My project begin to look like something but I will buy "photoshop for dummies" to help me a little bit :)
and now the poll! I will not start some at eevry entry but its just to know how is the group? If you don't want to answer its ok. So how tall are you? and are you lefty or righty?
so thats it for today! :D
by dremorius20 on Comments
Comme le titre le laisse entendre, je suis quelque peu découragé. Rien de grave cependant! Hier soir ,en revenant de
l'école, je suis sorti de l'autobus en même temps qu'une fille ( un peu plus jeune que moi je dirais, donc 16-17 ans, ou
quelque chose comem ça). Je marche donc pour retourner chez moi et elle me précède sur le chemin. J'habite à 10
minutes de l'arrêt à peu près. Donc, je disais que je retournais chez moi et que la fille me précédait. Je la suis sur le
trettoir , à 15 ou 20 pieds derrière. Au bout de 5 minutes, je la voie qui commence à accélérer le pas et elle regarde
nerveusement en arièrre régulièrement. Je me demande ce qu'il y a, pourtant je ne vois rien, tout est calme et paisible.
Je continu donc mon chemin et elle marche de plsu en plus vite, presque en joggant totut en regardant souvent en arrière,
(dans ma direction). En la voyant se barrer le plus vite possible j'allume sur la raison qui la pousse à courrir. Je sais que
je suis lent parfois, mais là il y a de l'exagération. Elle devait avoir peur que je la suive parce qu'elle me prenait comme un
violeur ou un truc du genre. *soupir et roulement des yeux* Je lui donne le crédit du fait qu'il était 7 heures passées,que
les rues sont mal éclairées et qu'il n'y ait pas âme qui vive dehors, MAIS un gars qui se ballade dehors le soir Et qui par
hasard se trouve derrière une fille ( parce qu'il vie dans la même ville qu'elle apparemment) ne fait pas forcément de lui un
violeur en puissance. D'accord , je lui accorde aussi le fait que j'aurais pu changer de rue et monter avant (mais c'était le
chemin le plus court et étant un gars d'habitudes, je prend toujours les mêmes chemins) et que je fais 6'3" ( pour 170
livres, ça vous donne le profil à peu près) et elle un bon 5'7" - 5'8" ( ce qui est quand même grand pour une femme)MAIS je
n'ai pas que ça à faire de mes journées violer des filles. Merde! C'est la deuxième qui me fait ça! pourantant je ne les
poursuit pas, oui j'ai un bon rythme de marche mais je ne susi pas collé dans leur dos.
Alors c'était ce dont je voulais vous parler. Qu'en dites-vous? Les filles, quelles sont vos réactions?
just sitting on my ass and waiting for something to happen....
by dremorius20 on Comments
A real boring life. I am listening to my Ultimated Kylie DVD. Its cool, I think the 2 best songs are "red blooded woman" and "Chocolate". do you know what I am talking about?
I just started playing RE 4 yesterday. Its really cool. I think its one of teh best in the serie even if I haven't plkayed the 2 and the 3.
I got my musculation class tuesday. Its was great but I think we are too much. 30 is a lot for the room and the equipment. A "funny" or "interesting" fact, there is somethinhg like 13-14 girls in the group. :D So it was good becasue we started slowly our training. I found that I was strong enough with teh legs but I need more biceps. :| So I will work on this and in 13 weeks I will be stronger. :D
Today its my french class, the last one in my cegep studies :) its my only class so I begin at 2:25 pm. wednesday of break and thursday morning off is great. Thats what you got when you are cool like me! 8)
so thats it for the moment.
Francais 101
by dremorius20 on Comments
Comme le dis le titre voici des leçons de français pour ceux et celles qui seraient intéressés. ( En passant, le "c" de "français" prend une cédille mais le site le considère comme un charactère invalide :( )
Donc, mesdames, mesdemoiselles et messieurs voici une liste de mots en français qui vous donnerons un peu de vocabulaire bien que cela n'ait pas la valeur d'un vrai cours de langue. Donc que vous soyez du Canada, des États-Unis, d'Angleterre, de Norvège, de Finlande (Suomi :D ) ou de Lit...Litu.... Bref Litu quelque chose. Vous savez un petit pays d'europe d'environ 65 000 km carrés et de 3 700 000 habitants. Je rigole! Je sais bien que c'est Lituanie (Lietuva :D ). Revenons à nos moutons, je disais donc que vous en saurez un peu plus avec cet aide. :D
- Je / I
- Tu/ You
- il, Elle / He, She
- Nous / We
- Vous / you
- ils , elles / they
Note: il faut souligner qu'en français, contrairement à l'anglais, il y a un genre pour chaque mot. Masculin ou féminin.
- Bleu / Blue
- Blanc / White
- Noir / Black
- Vert / green
- Jaune / Yellow
- Rose / pink
- Mauve / purple
- Orange / Orange ( et oui, c'est bien cela)
- Gris / gray
- Rouge / red
- Brun/ Brown
Note: C'est la base, je ne connais pas toute la palette en anglais mais si vous parlez des tons il y a:
- foncé /dark
- pâle / light
Parties du corps:
- Bouche / mouth
- Oeil / eye ( Oeil est singulier, si on veux le mettre au pluriel on dit " Yeux")
- Nez / nose
- Oreille / ear
- menton / chin
- joue / cheek
- sourcil / eyebrow
- Visage / face
- tête / head
- Épaule / shoulder
- Bras / arm
- avant-bras / Forearm
- coude / elbow
- main / hand
- doigt / finger
- Ventre / belly
- cou / neck
- jambe / leg
- genou / knee
- pied / foot
- orteil / toe
Mots divers:
- Hiver / winter
- Été / summer
- Printemps / spring
- automne / autumn
- Neige /snow
- chaleur / heat
- pluie / rain
- éclair / lightning
- chien / dog
- chat / cat
- oiseau / bird
- lapin / rabbit
- souris / mouse
- orignal / moose
- cochon / pig
- vache / cow
- cheval / horse
- mouton / sheep
- Chèvre / goat
- maison / house
- auto / car
- autobus / bus
- avion / airplane
- table / table
- fenêtre / window
- toît / roof
- mur / wall
- ami / friend ( Ce mot change pour "amie" si c,est une filel et qu'il y en a seulement une, pour "amies" si il y a plusieurs amies, mais suelement des filles et "amis" qand il y a plusieurs gars ou si il y a des gars et des filles dans le groupe. Le masculin l'emporte TOUJOURS sur le féminin. Désolé si ce n'est pas bon pour votre ego les filles)
- mère /mother
- père / father
- maman / mommy
- papa / daddy
- frère / brother
- soeur / sister
- grand-mère / grandmother
- grand-père / grandfather
- oncle / uncle
- tante / aunt
- voisin / neighbor
- ciel / sky
- mer / sea
- océan / ocean
- montagne / mountain
- plaine / plain
- soleil / sun
- nuage / cloud
- arbre / tree
- un / one
- deux / two
- trois / three
- quatre / four
- cinq / five
- six / six
- sept / seven
- huit / eight
- neuf / nine
- dix / ten
- vingt / twenty
- trente / thirty
- quarante / fourty
- cinquante / fifty
- soixante / sixty
- soixante-dix / seventy
- quatre-vingt / eighty
- quatre-vingt-dix / ninety
- cent / hundred
- Mille / thousand
- million / million
- milliard / billion
- Bonjour / goodday
- Bonsoir / goodnight ( je ne suis pas certain de celui là, c'est comme bonjour mais on le dit lorsque l'on rencontre quelq'un le soir)
- Bonne nuit / good night
- Salut / Hi
- allo / Hello
Marques de politesse:
- Bienvenue / welcome
- Merci / thanks
- Bon apétit ( il n'y a pas vraiment de traduction)
- pas de problème / no problem
- Cela fait plaisir / it my pleasure
C'est tout, je crois que c'est une bonne base donc si vous avez des questions, surtotu n'hésitez pas. :D
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