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Journal - New and Improved Goodness

I decided that I'd like to be a bit more creative and productive with this journal/blog. Instead of limiting my entries to topics about video games, I'd like to expand it and write about whatever it is that crosses my mind at the moment. Basically, I need a cure for some boredom. That being said, let's see what I've got going on up there....

.... Five minutes pass.....

Apparently not that much. When I was younger, I used to keep an actual journal. Or tried to rather. I believe I kept 3 different books because I could never stick with one long enough. My brain would always move faster than my hand could write, and I didn't have much patience. Stupid brain.

Let's see..... maybe I can talk about what I'm up to. I just started taking an EMT-B (Emergency Medical Technician - Basic) course. It's pretty interesting. Although the only thing we've really done so far is get CPR certified. I submitted my AMCAS application to the AAMC, so I'm just waiting on a few secondary applications to come in from medical schools. I've gotten a few, but no where I'm particularly passionate about attending yet. There's still time. Meanwhile, I'm helping out in my dad's office. He's a physician specializing in Oncology and Hematology (cancer and blood). So I get some training there too. My girlfriend of 4 years, Emily, is just starting her first year of medical school at NEOUCOM (Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine). It's about 45 minutes away from my house in Cleveland. Not too far.

Let's see... what else? Gaming news? My consoles haven't been getting much use lately. I play Mario Superstar Baseball a bit, and then Ridge Racer V. But I spend most of my game time on Nintendogs (I have a beagle named Link), Wipeout Pure (I love the Classic Pack 2 series), and Namco Museum Battle Collection (the new arranged versions are addicting for pick-up-and-play fun). Actually, I find myself spending more time with the non-gaming functions of the PSP. I've been busy converting a bunch of my pictures and desktops into PSP wallpapers, my video game music into PSP-ready format, and converting a bunch of the Gamespot videos. It's pretty relaxing.

Hmmm.... oh yeah! I'm just finishing up my video game room. I turned the spare bedroom in my house into my game room. I've got all of my systems hooked up to one TV, all my video game toys on a shelf, and my entire collection of game magazines and strategy guides all in one place. I'll post pictures as soon as I get them.

Well I suppose that's it for now. Post comments. Let me know what you think! I'm gonna try to keep this updated more often with more to talk about than video games (although that'll stay the main focus, obviously). Until then....

My Favorite Fan Sites - Mortal Kombat Edition

I created this list in the Ultimate Mortal Kombat Union to keep an up-to-date section of Mortal Kombat related links in that forum. I've copied and pasted the links here for my own use and for anyone who happens to glance at my Journal. Enjoy!

Mortal Kombat Online - a definitive source for MK news, forums, and guides

Shaolin Monks Official Site - Midway's official site with info, screenshots, videos, and other media

MK Warehouse - a great site for animations, backgrounds, and fatality theater

Dave's MK - one fan's amazing site with tons of info and images

MK Comics - a page with info about the upcoming MK comics

Kombat Pavilion - a decent site with fan animations

MK Plot - a text-only guide to MK's intricate plot details

MK Bible - a text-only guide to all things Mortal Kombat

My Favorite Fan Sites - Nintendo Edition

This entry is the same as the post in my UCB of the same name.




Random Nintendo - "A fusion of all things Nintendo"

Gamecube Advanced - "The world's best source for Nintendo"


Mario's World - Nintendo's official Mario site with Mario's history, media downloads, and info on upcoming games

Mega Man:

The Mega Man Network

The Mega Man Home Page


Kirby's Rainbow Resort - History, multimedia, fan art, news, and coverage of every Kirby game ever made

Bubble Bobble:

Bub and Bob


NESCapades - A collector's personal site. It's insane.

How Nintendo Are You? - A fun 6-question quiz designed to tell you how much you love Nintendo

College Humor - Nintendo A Cappella!

My take on the LoZ: Twilight Princess delay

I guess everyone is up in arms about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess being delayed until at least April 2006. I have to admit I'm more than a bit disappointed myself. From what I read on the GameSpot forums, Nintendo seems to have a reputation for delays, although I can't recall any myself. It's disappointing that I'll have to wait until 2006 to play what could possibly be my favorite game ever created. But if they want to make improvements to a game that already looks as good as it does, then I'm all for it. My hope is that they need the time to include a full orchestral score. If the game sounds anything like the piece composed specifically for the GDC demo, it would be nothing short of amazing. Video game music needs to become more popular here in the US anyway. Importing CDs from Japan can get rather costly in the long run.

The only thing that concerns me about the delay is that it may be a hint at a possible Revolution delay. Keeping Twilight Princess under wraps until the middle of 2006 would definitely hold people over with enough to do until late in the year, meaning they might not mind a later Revolution date. I'm also pretty confident that rumors will soon pop up about Twilight Princess moving to the Revolution. I've already seen a number of conspiracy posts suggesting that the game was meant for Nintendo's future console all along.

I was hoping the new Zelda game would end an agonizingly slow gaming season for the GameCube. With the only games I'm looking forward to being 4 Mario titles, there isn't much in the way of variety coming anytime soon. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Finally Created My UCB - Dr. Mario's Office

I finally set up my UCB today. The tentative title is Ask DrFish. I'm considering renaming it to Dr. Mario's Office. I wanted to design it so that anyone could post questions about gaming in general, Gamespot, or myself. I encourage anyone reading this to drop me a line there. It'd be much appreciated.

EDIT: I changed the title to Dr. Mario's Office today. Demodocus gave me Mod priveledges for his UCB, Ask Demodocus. We'll use his UCB as a help center. This means I don't really have a purpose for mine anymore, but I'll try to think of something.

MK Shaolin Monks Demo: Hands-On Impressions

After playing through the PS2 Demo a few times last night, I think I've gotten a good feel for the MK:SM gameplay. I will try to summarize it here and describe the basics. I will post my review at the top, however, so that anyone wanting to hear about the game but not learn of any spoiler information can just skip the bottom half.


Traditional MK fighting in a 3D environment. I didn't think it could work after the disappointments that were Mythologies and Special Forces. But the fighting engine is seamless. Combos are easy to maintain and switching between enemies is effortless. Veterans of the series will be pleased, and newcomers will have an easy time picking it up and playing. Though there was only one platform sequence, it seemed to be put together well.

Amazing. Characters and fighting arenas are instantly recognizable and there is no lag time when fighting multiple enemies. Special moves look similar to how they have in old MK games, but each has new graphical twists that make them looks even better.

Also amazing. Each characters sound effects and screams have been directly lifted from classic MK games. It helps create an atmosphere that is instantly recognizable as Mortal Kombat. My only complaint is that Raiden's voice can be a little campy. His voice is not reused, but instead performed by a new actor.

With two instantly playable characters and more to unlock, it seems like this game will have a long lifespan. Each arena has a secret area to find, and it is possible to play through multiple times and have the experience vary each time.

And now, on to the actual Demo:



The Demo opens with a screen similar to the menu screens of DA and Deception, giving you the choice of single player or Ko-op modes. Selecting one will take you to the first stage of the game, Goro's Lair. You are dropped in from above, presumably after the amazing opening video sequence. Raiden soon appears to give you basic instructions on how to play the game. Square, Triangle, and Circle all perform various attacks that can be strung together effortlessly, while X simply jumps. Special moves are performed by holding R1 and pressing any attack button. Each character has their own special moves based on their fighting game counterparts. Some can even be combined, such as Kung Lao's spin and Liu Kang's fireball. Throwing a fireball at a spinning Kung Lao will have that fireball split apart and fire all around the screen. You can attack in the air, attack multiple enemies at once, use your enemies as shields, throw them into the fire, and so forth. Throughout the demo, walking through a blue MK Icon that looks similar to the Koins of DA and Deception summons Raiden to offer helpful hints. You can also pick up various items like weapons or skulls to throw at enemies. Piles of skulls in corners usually hide life-refilling power-ups.

The first few arenas find you in the familiar Goro's Lair fighting endless Oni who come forth through the shadows. These Oni were seen in previous MK games as the blinking eyes in the back of Goro's Lair. You quickly move into the bottom of The Pit stage, where you fight additional Oni. Uppercutting an enemy from the bottom of The Pit launches them upwards and back into the spikes, but walking into them also damages the player.

Upon reaching the right side of the Pit's bottom, the game switches gears to more of a traditional platformer and the player is required to run and jump onto various ledges to reach the top. Once there, you'll be treated to a nice cameo appearance by Reptile. You'll also battle with more Oni, which you can gleefully toss, punch, or uppercut back down into the spikes.

In the next arena, you finally learn how to perform the game's first fatality. Performing a string of combo hits will charge a fatality meter under your power gauge at the top of the screen. Once filled, you can stun an opponent by pressing L1, and then perform the fatality with a traditional MK string of button presses. It's amazing. It's spectacular. It's everything you could hope for from an MK game...... except you can't see it. Instead of the fatality, the demo version treats you to an amazing screen that says violent content has been removed from this demo (which is ironic, by the way, because by this point you've already split people in half and thrown them into The Pit spikes).

A few battles later, you face the game's first boss battle with Baraka. The fight is similar to those with the Oni, but Baraka is much more powerful and can use an array of special movies. Once you drain about half of his power, Baraka runs to grab an imprisoned Monk and throws him into a fire pit. The unfortunate Monk now runs all over the screen, taking life away from any character who touches him. Just as the fight is about to get really good, the demo ends....

The Official US Playstation Magazine Demo Disk also comes with a behind-the-scenes video from the developers. They discuss their favorite aspects of Shaolin Monks, and also hint at a few new characters for the upcoming MK game that they are already hard at work on. They also state that they hope SM is the first in a series of MK adventure games.

Under the Extras menu on the disk, Midway has provided a few character sketches from the game that also hint at some of the characters who may be available in Shaolin Monks.

Catching Up

So apparently I haven't been keeping up with this whole journal thing lately. I always think of things I want to say, but then I'm too lazy to write them. I guess I'd rather be playing my games then talking about them, because I really only use this site while I have down time at work.

I just recently moved my game collection, consoles, and game paraphernalia to their own room in my house because I ran out of space everywhere else. So I now have an entire room devoted to my games, and even that's running out of space already. It'd be nice if Gamestop let you post pictures like 1UP does so I could show people.

Anyway, that's all I feel like writing at the moment. I'd like to tackle E3 2005 at some point, but I think I want to watch the DVDs from Gamestop and IGN first. I'd also like to sound off on the Hot Coffee GTA mod and how I think it's impacted the industry, but that'll have to wait for another day. Or maybe when I'm bored at the office again :)

300 Posts

I got to 300 posts today because of E3. Sooo much to talk about. I'm planning on recapping everything after the week's over. Right now there's too much to even sort through :D

My Donkey Konga 2 Review

I wrote my second review tonight. This one's for Donkey Konga 2. They're a lot of fun to write, but they take so long because I put a lot into them. Hope they're helpful.

200 Posts!

That's pretty much it. Got 200 posts tonight. I beat Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. Good game, but not as good as the NES classic or the GBA remake. I finally started playing Metroid Prime even though I've had it since the game came out. I could never bring myself to play it because I'm not a huge fan of first person shooters, but once I started I loved it. It feels much more like a Metroid game than a FPS. On a side note, still waiting for new DS games......