@NbAlIvEr10000 @dillon-peters @drodriguesaar Yeah, agreed. But it will be a pc hardware tunned specificaly for ps4. In other words even if a pc has a better hardware, the performance of the ps4 will be better.
@NbAlIvEr10000 @drodriguesaar It's hard not to get excited when we read such statements. But I intend to keep me somewhat skeptical until the launch of the product
@Xristophoros @drodriguesaar I agree with you. Unfortunately we need to face this sad reality. But I hope that Square-Enix and other companies are able to deliver the same sense of involvement and enjoyment that we had when playing great titles like Vagrant, Medievil, Xenogears, Final Fantasy, Castevania Symphony of the Night and so on in this new generation of games.
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