While this may harm the disadvantaged, I have to say that if you've purchased a console/pc capable of running Modern Warfare 2 and have also purchased modern warfare 2, then finances are clearly not a significant concern. Also pertaining to children not having access to the game, that shouldn't be a problem because it's rated 17+. That being said, an alternate system will be needed for online games targeted at children.
@olddadgamer: It's "hey, we sold out" but there's a ridiculous number of accessories, games etc, not being used because one dude has all the consoles and is working on re-selling them.
@CrouchingWeasel: You sound like someone who has enjoyed the privilege of not being discriminated against based on the color of their skin. Have you tried selling a home while being black? Getting a bank loan? Been mistaken for a transport worker when you are the physician? If you have not lived the experience of a black person then please do not comment on it. Sony is trying to help a historically marginalized population in the USA and you have a problem with that? You are part of the problem yourself, not the solution.
@irishplusfour: That's really all that this is. 70+ year olds are the the ones who are most likely to be affected by the virus (Case fatality rate reaching ~16%) and even then they are not the age group targeted by this conference :/
Wow, the economic impact of this virus is huge. Hope the devs make use of the internet to reveal the games that they've been working on over the past year :(
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