The new site sucks balls ....its so slow and you can't use adblock....its like they don't want us to use the site anymore and are just driving us to youtube + IGN
The new site sucks balls ....its so slow and you can't use adblock....its like they don't want us to use the site anymore and are just driving us to youtube + IGN
I personally think it looks quite nice don't have to come here to comment if you don't want it , people on this site and elsewhere try to behave as if they are the only sane ones and everyone else is following a fad, face it the numbers mea something ad if people are still buying iphones till date then apple is doing something right...oh and if you don't buy the phone then you do't have the right to bitch about it
If you had the option of making $1 billion a year, would you or would you halt production simply because people who claim not to play your game say its the same every year?
I say scrap the wiiu and focus on the 3ds since they get more money from it anyway. Also Nintendo really needs to swallow its pride and become a 3rd party developer for other, more capable consoles .....either that or make a console that isn't so F****** outdated
@bigicb @nadal97 at least they make new cod games ....nintendo literally releases the SAME game over and over again...I mean how many times do I have to get lost in ocarina of time's water temple?
dstv's comments