You had it hooked to your HDTV, then tried to hook it up to your SDTV, and everything worked A OK while hooked up via HDMI ? Why not just leave it hooked up to the HDMI and forget about it then ?
[QUOTE="heysharpshooter"]I never get collectors editions. They never live up to the expectations I set for them, and all the making of content and stuff like that you get is available on the internet anyway. Has anyone read the Dragon Age novel? is it even out yet? I am thinking of getting. Yes the Dragon Age novel "The Stolen Throne" is available for purchase. Im only up to chapter five at the moment though, however it is pretty good so far. Stolen Throne marks my third Bioware game novel in a row lol. I just finished the two ME books recently.
I liked it a fair amount, it was good mindless fun, but not to the point that I will buy it day one. Im looking at either most definitely renting or waiting for a decent price drop, but for sure at some point, I will play the full game.
The original PC version of Baldur's Gate and the Dark Alliance series on Xbox are completely different games.
oh okay. I thought it was a port from PC. I'd like to see the original xbox version ported to 360. Is the PC version amazingly better than the console?
The two Dark Alliance games are hack and slash rpg's, while Baldurs Gates 1 and 2 are traditional western rpg's.
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