dukerav's forum posts
Please, no, just dont any dev make a game of... that.they will probably make a game from a young adult romance novel about vampires..... if u know wut i mean... lol
Yeah I thought that was fun. Also Army of 2 which got a 6.5 here and the 7.4 average was better than both of those imo. LoL @ your sig :P[QUOTE="n33d2skate"]Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. That was a great game.Boston_Boyy
Maybe its just wishful thinking, but I gotta figure that with the kind of game it was, and how short it was they have to be planning some sort of downloadable content prior to releasing Too Human 2. I'm hoping for more levels and dungeons rather than new weapons, but both would be awesome. btw I really love this game and think everyone who complains about it is crazy.slick360sterI'd like to see a Too Human 2, but I dont foresee it happening, but who knows.
I had quite a load of fun on my one playthrough of Too Human. Im debating on whether or not to try out Sacred 2.Too Human was, and still is, awesome.
Other games are Sacred 2, Fallen Angel
I also really enjoyed Vampire Rain, idc what people say about it.
I concur, how long has episode 2 been out now? On topic though, Im guessing Slim reveal is highly probable, maybe a GT5 announcement (hopefully for this holiday), maybe some new games?? A question I have, is Gamescom a fairly new event? I do not recall hearing about it until maybe just around a month or so ago.Half-Life 2: Episode 3
PLEASE! :cry:
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