@Jonny-Two-Delta Hey mister Dictator, people can have different taste here in the west. We aren't forced to like what you like. Fact remains that Dragon Age Originals was a huge succes. It just wasn't your type of game, but that doesn't make you better. And in Dragon Age if you played it cause i doubt you did, you noticed there was more impact as in Dragon Age 2, if you bashed your shield in a enemy there was a huge oomph feel to it. In DA2 it felt much more like swining trough air than in DA1. You can like DA2 more but don't come with stupid crap about how DA: O failed, it only failed in your eyes mister dictator.
@Mercadeo Well a RPG can be linear and still be fun (as long as the story is great so you want to move forward) . The problem with Bioware and DA2 is that they where extremely lazy and trusted that the action combat would be the big seller for the game. But any DA fan (both pc and console DA Origins fan) hated it. They where way to lazy compared to DA1.
I did like the ME serie but ME1 is the best and i really don't understand why they removed the Mako out of it. It was a fun part in ME1...sure it took a little time to be able to control it with ease, and i noticed with mouse and keyboard that it drives better (i own it on both pc and xbox). But once you knew how to drive it, it was a great side step from all the questing and walking.
@Jonny-Two-Delta 1. Get your facts right. Dragon Age 1 is the best dragon age they made, it sold very well. It was just performing poor on the console cause it was a true PC game. It got dumbed down to a poor terrible crappy game called Dragon Age 2 that was a pure action orriented Console game but even consoles fans of Dragon Age 1 disliked Dragon Age 2. Only reason DA1 didn't sell well on the consoles was because the controls where terrible and the graphics couldn't match the pc anywhere close. But it was the best Dragon Age there was, one where you had to think, where combat was about strategy and not dumb bashing, where you had more then one stupid city that was dull and boring and only 3 locations you could go to. DA1 had different dungeons not just one that was copy passed in every damn dungeon...where in one dungeon you could go left instead of right but many times you saw the same corridors in the same damn setting. DA2 was no improvement, it was a huge step back just to please mainstream gamers who find it to hard to invest time in understanding a game.
2. You don't like the genre fine, but many people do enjoy a RPG, or had you rather have them make a first person shooter ala call of duty out of this game hm? Or a action game hm? That wouldn't fit the universe. A RPG about the story fits a lot better. I do agree that the devs didn't do a great job. They got a great title on their hands and deliver poor on voice overs and some anoying bugs, but if you look trough them and get carried with the story its a pretty fun game anyway.
I still don't get it why they removed dodging in Risen 2. Seeing you also don't have a shield you are pretty much defenceless against certain enemies. Many animals can just attack you while you block and you just can't jump back or to the side >.<
The game is a lot of fun but the combat can be so frustrating cause its just not fair. In Risen 1 you atleast had the sense that you screwd up if you got into a spam attack from the enemy and they got to kill you that way. But in Risen 2 i just encountered a monster who's attacks i simply couldn't block, and for some reason he could hit me even though i was out of reach (not far out of reach but still far enough to miss me).
I wish those companies, all of them, Apple, Microsoft, Motorola, Samsung, etc, etc, would stop with those law suits against each other. So they use the same tech...big deal! We can't inovate if we just keep sueing each other. @michael39238 Sadly true indeed :( I hate the corperate business, they made some great stuff but there can be so much more greater stuff if they would just stop with those silly rights about who owns what. They all borrowed tech form others. Apple is world famous for "borrowing" and then sueing, most of the iPhone comes from Samsung (the touch screen and such), they work together on it but suddenly they start to sue one and another for using each others tech >.
@cachinscythe no i got not stats to back me up. But if you want the game industry destroyed fine, support this lame as stuff they trow at us. Im a old gamer, i seen the game industry change. I don't mind day one dlc at all as long as it provides good content, or me not missing a important part of the game. But im getting sick and tired of greedy publishers like Ubisoft, EA and Activision who charge more and more for games, offer you less and less and now they even wanna implant a new way to take more money without giving you a full game to begin with. They wanna make this stuff, make sure we gamers get a complete game first that lasts many hours even without the extra content.
*sighs* Im getting tired of the likes of Ubisoft. Big mouths about how gamers are pirating and there for stealing their products. But the fact remains that the biggest thiefs are the publishers. So you buy a game, get acces to 10% of the content cause the rest you can only acces if you buy toys for 10 to 20 euro's/dollars each? And they even keep daring to charge 60 euro's for console games. Who are thiefs now hm? Good job destroying the game industry for some extra cash publishers. You will see many studios die by your hands. The indie scene is growing for a reason, gamers are tired to get crap and pay a lot for it while they can get quallity none rip off games for much cheaper made by devoted people themselfs.
Not sure if i should find it funny or sad how developers shout things, then get a well deserved outrage and quickly come with a excuse "Euh yeah i was only joking euhm..or something..yeah...so....we cool right?". They are cowards. First the Ubisoft dude who said all pc gamers where whining b!tches who pirate anyway so they wouldn't get that survival game what ever it was called again...then a few days later it is anounced for the pc and the same guy came with a lame excuse as well. And now this dude, GET SOME FREAKING BACK BONE, HOW CAN YOU STAND FOR YOU OWN FREAKING GAMES IF YOU CAN'T EVEN STAND FOR YOUR OWN OPINION. Really, we don't have to agree wit them, but they can have a opinion, and we can give our opinion but stand for what you say or don't say it at all.
@ClaudiusCaesar You won't see that happen. With PC games and even console games you see that the price is the same in the store as on downloadable platforms. Infact i see a lot of games on xbox live that are more expensive as download then when i would go to the store to buy them. Steam in europe same story, a lot of games are 50 euro, here in the netherlands most pc games are 40 to 45 euro so steam is actually more expensive (but they counter it with huge discount actions). And what use would it have to lower the price of the VITA downloadable games when you need to pay a expensive price for a new memory card. 4 gig might be enough for now for one game but surely that won't be the case in the future. And most demo's are 900 mb so 4 gig is full quickly, then you have to pay about 30 to 35 dollar/euro for a 8 gig one. But you can store 2 downloadable games on it (still need space for save games too). So even if their price would be 30 euro per game you would still end up buying memory cards if you like to play different games. Both prices should be lower, both the online games as the memory cards.
@Jstrizzle When the first SD card came out it was new. The VITA memory card isn't a new invention. USB sticks where only 256 mb as well for about 50 dollars, now you got many gigs for only 15 euro's. But the VITA mem card is nothing new, there is no excuse for their high pricing there, cause those cards in another shape are already a lot cheaper for more gigs even.
dutchgamer83's comments