This article hits the nail just right. I can understand they wanna fight piracy, but how do you fight it by making memory cards that are insanely priced? That isn't consumer friendly, 16 gig memory costs about 45 - 50 euro (i assume the same in dollars). For that amount of money i got a fricking 1 terabyte HD for my pc O.o Hell SD cars are much cheaper. Why does it need to be so expensive. I bought the vita, i love ninja gaiden and the demo of Dynasty warrior was fun for me, but i see no use in buying it on their store seeing that i only have a 8 gig mem card. Here is hoping the competition will arrive soon with cheaper cards for the vita cause this is just pure stupidity but typical Sony though, to over price their products.
@ReaversRevenge the game just got released, don't exspect to much yet. Making a mod is not something you do in one weekend. Especially when it comes to programing a friendly companion and modeling of the companion. Give it time.
@kreegan64 to awnser your question about why consoles can't get mods. I believe with the xbox it has to do with microsoft not allowing stuff being uploaded like that. Also it has to do with the limitation of the consoles and that modders don't have the right tools to convert it to the console. The toolkits Bethesda releases are for the pc (the same tools they make their games with), for the consoles you need a PS3 and xbox 360 kit, which needs expensive licences.
And this is why i love my pc way more then my consoles. Oblivion was a nice game when released but it became a awesome game after the modders had their hands on it. There was some silly DLC but who was gonna spend money on that when modders added a ton more content for free. If you have a good pc you would do wise to buy Elder scroll games on your pc instead of console. Not to bash the console but in a few years there is so much content and conversions that you can have finished the games 10 times already and still get new stuff that make the whole game different. Its a shame the console gamers won't get mods so there for i'm sugesting if you have the option to buy it on the pc. It out weights the "but i can sit relaxed on my couch with the console" cause Skyrim will expand massively over time without the help of the devs and extra costs.
Those who did not want Launchpad to win, stop blaming GS, the votes where done by the visitors. The only thing GS is to blame of is this really small article with only a tiny picture while normally there are bigger pictures and more text. @Nathalmighty1 if you where a child in the 80's and 90's you would know him. But i can imagine those who where born later in 90's have no clue who he is.
Its ammusing how people in the game industry think that PC gamers are also avid facebook users/gamers. News flash, most pc gamers hate the free to play crap thats released. Facebook gamers are mostly people who never been much of a gamer like my mother. She always found it weird i enjoyed playing games....guess who's doing all that free to play crap you find on facebook and other sites? And im against having to be online in order to play a singleplayer game like Assassins creed. I buy a game legal, why should i be punished for that? Cause thats how it feels now as pc gamer...we get punished cause a part of the gamers are pirating (beside consoles get pirated aswel, remember the dreamcast? Or PS2? And check piratebay how many xbox 360 games you can find there). Blaming piracy is just a excuse of many devs/publishers to hide the fac that we pay a godaweful high price for a game that lasts about 4 hours and has only a few multiplayer maps and if we want more we need to buy map packs that cost more then 25% of the game itself. And with the trend to lock out the mod community on the you get pirates yes. Because a 4 hour game was worth it back in the mod days with the many multiplayer maps made by they force you to buy these maps...only more expensive and you get less, thats how you make pirates activision!
@varunvikram1 Well they can buy indie games who are getting better and better and are hardly more expensive then 10 euro (on the console max 15 euro). But i totally get your point though. Its as i said, you can't justify 60 euro for a 5 hour game. Sure some have the money like water and don't give a damn about wasting it on such a product. But many who want to play the game but have to think twice before spending money will probably pirate it and buy it later (most pirates do buy the game once its cheaper, they aren't all heartless bastards who never wanna pay).
Also about the online pass. It makes it impossible to trade your game in if you don't like it. I bought socom and didn't liked it anyway. I didn't care about the multiplayer only bought it for the singleplayer. Now my luck was that sony was hacked but otherwise i couldn't trade it in anymore cause the online function wouldn't work anymore for the one who would buy it after me even though it wasn't second hand cheap. Can say one should read the reviews then but reviews aren't always as i experience games so i try to play them myself first before judging. Wouldn't be the first time a game scores a 5 here while i enjoyed it. Other times a game scores a 9 here and i hate it. But with online pass it means i can't trade it in and are doomed to sell it to the shop for a low price so i can only lose as gamer.
Games have become shorter and shorter. I was reading a old review from 2002. They said "the game is a bit short with only 20 hours gameplay". For that game (a pc game) you paid back then 40 euro's. Now we scroll to 2011, vanquish..a singleplayer only game. When new it was released for 60 euro. For 60 euro you where give about 5 hours gameplay. How are they gonna justify such prices for such short games? Seriousely you can complain about many pirated games (there is also allot of pirating on the consoles aswel its not a pc only problem) and second hand sales. But publishers give you less and less for your money. And then have the courage to bring out DLC packs for 15 euro. Its insane and stupid, its kicking gamers in the balls. And we keep buying it. We keep accepting this bullsh!t together. Gamesites should unite and call uppon gamers to sign a petition against this behavior or something to show we don't accept it anymore. They promised games would be cheaper but instead you pay more and more. Quit DLC and rather bring out good expension packs again after you gave gamers a compleet game.
Every time you go online you make yourself a target. We leave our information about everywhere. Now Sony got hacked but what about the many hotmail accounts that get hacked on daily basis by all kinds of fake mails and programs. But i do agree that sony is a little cheap on the games they offer. The biggest title of the 5 is Infamous...and i bought the PS3 Infamous pack back then so i already got it *sigh* Sure rachet and clank is fun...but all the R and C games they give you the 5 hour short version argh and dead nation..well isn't that a indie game? Nothing wrong with indie games but come on give us a bigger selection of games to choose from. Doesn't have to be new games but at least more big titles sony after all you failed to encode our information and then hardly cared to inform us. In fact it took a week before i received a email that PSN was hacked.....little late when you already read about it on news sites. Probally getting tumbs down for saying i find Sony cheap on the games, but don't you people agree that the 5 games you can choose aren't really the huge titles they could have given. There are plenty awesome old games out there to choose from (why not the god of war HD pack?).
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