"It was hard." "We were almost ready to admit defeat."
You can still have a campaign with wall-running and double-jumping... and robots... seriously? "Not designed for single-player"? How? The mechanics in Titan fall could easily apply to any shooter csmpaign, and you even programmed A.I-controlled units and Titans! What are you talking about!?
Fix the garbage 12 unit control limit and I'll be happy. I love SC1, but many of the improvements SC2 made spoiled me a bit. I feel like I can only play with cheats otherwise.
Also, fixing units getting stuck on terrain over bad pathfinding would help too. Can't wait.
I don't like being "that guy" - considering how rediculous the requirments were for running GoW Ultimate Edition and Quantum Break *and* how poorly they ran -,don't color me surprised if this game is barely playable at launch.
Call me detective Jenks, because I smell a contradiction. Tell me, how can you possibly judge a year as "bad" when a dozen + good/great games that I've only passingly mentioned have come out, and we are only 2/3rd done? Last I checked, both 2014 and 2013 were pretty garbage, and 2015 is debatable since games like Fallout 4, MGSV, and Just Cause 3 frustrated a lot of fans. You even admitted I brought up good games, and the few I brought up alone highlight the quality of the year so far.
This year I've played DOOM, Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank, XCOM2, Overwatch, Dark Souls 3, Total Warhammer, and a bunch of other great games. Even indies like Hyper Light Drifter and Futi blew me away.
People saying this year is "weak" or "lackluster" are full of it imo.
@varmintx: Episodic gaming is not *inherently* bad, but the issue today is that we can't trust dev's to live up to their promises and not take advantage of their consumers and try to milk them on one game over thd course of a long period.
On one end you have guys like Telltale that show Episodic gaming can be beneficial to the writers and designers. On the other end we have SquareEnix's Hitman screwing over their own consumers with preorder bonus', multiple package options with some more expensive, DRM, and painfully slow updates.
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