@Xristophoros: I agree. I respect him for what he's done for the industry, and his talent is indesputable, but he has really taken a dive creatively over the past decade. Kojima is NOT perfect, but at least he does something new with each game he makes.
I love the apathy people have been having towards Kojima related news lately.
It's funny considering these same people will run screaming, pants down and with thirsty eyes for any news related to Miyamoto essentially middle-fingering the current Nintendo fanbase. Starfox Zero is the perfect recent examble.
We knew this month's ago. How is this news? If you look up the logo on Google and click on the images section, the amount of fanart trying to piece the puzzle is absurd.
I think the biggest factor is the timing. Battle born is launching the same week as Uncharted 4 and Doom, which have much more hype and marketing put into them with an already established fanbase.
Meanwhile, we still have Over watch, Blood and Wine, and many other big titles coming this month to top it off.
@gotrekfabian: Well, like he said, it won't look like an outstanding game at first. This IS Kojima we are talking about. If there is one thing he is known for it's turning established mechanics on their head to screw with the player.
I'm glad to see they are finally changing the setting to something interesting after so many "modern war" titles.
However, the "Hellfighter Pack" put a sour taste in my mouth. Knowing EA, we can expect a hefty season pass, microtransactions, and even those lazy "instant unlock" packs for the multilayer guns and equipment. I almost forgot the servers you can pay for.
Wow, either I am cynical as hell or EA is really just that predictable.
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