I always bring it up when there is a big day for gaming birthdays, and today is such an occasion. On this day, January 31st, in the history of gaming, these games of note were born: Phantasy Star (SMS) - 1988 - Yes, the original. For us big Phantasy Star fans, this is a big deal. Duke Nukem 3D (PC) - 1996 - Need I say more? Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (N64) - 1997 - 10 years old. There were a lot of nerdy N64 kids into this game, and I was at the head of the pack! Syphon Filter (PS) - 1999 - A wicked game that led to a bunch of crappy sequels. Did this game introduce targeted auto-aiming? I think it did! Silent Hill (PS) - 1999 - This was an awesome day in 1999, I actually remember getting both these games on that day. Silent Hill, one of the only games my Mom loved as much as me, crazy, huh?! Sims (PC) - 2000 - I enjoyed it a lot, but it's not really of special meaning to me. Summoner: A Goddess Reborn (GC) - 2003 - Hey, shut up, I'm into the series! Wow, that might be a record, 7 birthdays worth mentioning. One last thing before I go. I'm playing Just Cause, and one frickin military base I need to take over for 75 achievement points (I've taken over more than a dozen others) seems impossible. Every time I try, I just get blown to crap by tanks! Not sure this is a game I'll get 100% on anymore. Leukemia Society Donations for Big Climb: $223 / Goal: $500 Current gamerscore stands at: 22,822
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,371
dyaballikl Blog
Just Cause aftermath.
by dyaballikl on Comments
Holy bejeezus! I put 20 hours into Just Cause in 2 days! That's like MMO hourage! I just beat it today, the story mode anyway. I spent a lot of time on side missions, so the actual story mode was only about 5-10 hours, but there really is a lot to do in the game. So many great ideas went into this game, like the brilliant parachuting system. If they had the funds and the programmers that Rockstar had, with the ideas they put into Just Cause, this game would've beaten the hell outta GTA, not only because the size of the game is a good twice as big as San Andreas, but because the game is just very fun to play. Needless to say, I highly recommend playing it. That's the problem with fun games these days, they don't get good reviews. So many games that I play that I enjoy get crappy ratings because they don't have the best programming, the best graphics, or because they have bugs in the gameplay. While those things can detract from the experience, being a classical gamer, the only thing that really matters is the gameplay experience, and how much fun you have. And for a game as fun as Just Cause to get a 7.2 from Gamespot is just bullcrap. Here's what I'm saying: don't trust the reviews, trust what you read in my blog and what your friends say, and sometimes venture out and experiment on a game that you haven't heard about, but sounds like a good concept. As far as achievements, they're all reasonably easy. I expect to get 100% within the next day or two, then it's on to the next game! Finally, with the addition of a donation from a certain genius of coding, my fundraising for the Leukemia Society for my Big Climb is up to $223! Almost half way to my goal of $500! Leukemia Society Donations for Big Climb: $223 / Goal: $500 Current gamerscore stands at: 22,632
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,345
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,345
Why? Just Cause.
by dyaballikl on Comments
Had Lost Planet rented, and was enjoying it, for the most part. It was pretty good. But I rented NBA 2K6 for my buddy for the day so he could get the achievement, meaning I had to return LP for the day. Unfortunately, when I got back, it was all rented out, so I got Just Cause instead, which turned out to be a very fun game! It's a GTA style game, but with infinite parachutes! The physics kinda suck, but the game's still really cool. Time to get back to it! Oh, also, raising the money for the Leukemia Society is going really well. I'm up to $213 now, just $287 left to go!!! Leukemia Society Donations for Big Climb: $213 / Goal: $500 Current gamerscore stands at: 22,042
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,582
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,582
22,000 Gamerscore!
by dyaballikl on Comments
I must admit, I was worried that the last 1,000 (20k-21k) had taken 24 days to achieve, but this k only took 6 days, which is not a bad pace at all. Not only that, but I completed 100% achievements on only my 6th full retail game (out of a total of 52 played!). Here's what happened during this 1,000, with some short reviews: Eragon (920 points) - Finishing off the full 1,000. Eragon's not really a great game, but not as bad as Kong. Very easy points for a very easy game, even on hard mode. Eragon made up most of this past 1,000 Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires (80 points) - A game I bought (only one of 4 full retail 360 games I own), which I played a lot in the beginning, since I am a big Dynasty Warriors fan. I finally found out how to complete the extra stages, so that's where the additional 80 came from. Gears of War (0 points) - Maybe I'll get Clusterluck someday, but my Gears playing this week comprised of co-op'ing through insane with my buddy StudioMAZ. Yep, only 3 games this k, and only 2 of them providing points. An update on the trek to race up 1,311 steps in just under 2 months: nothing new. Didn't exercise yesterday because I'm playing soccer tonight. Also, no new donations, getting a little disappointed about that. All of you can still donate to support me by supporting the Leukemia Society at this site. Again, I'm only asking people who can to give just $5, unless you should feel more generous. Anyway, I'll change the format of the end of my blog entries to the following from now on: Leukemia Society Donations for Big Climb: $90 / Goal: $500 Current gamerscore stands at: 22,012
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,460
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,460
Training, day 1
by dyaballikl on Comments
Oh hell. I joined Bally's gym yesterday, and worked out for the first time today (since I gave blood yesterday). I met with a trainer, and man, he beat the hell out of me. I used a stair climber, it's the one that has actual steps that you climb up. I made it about 60 flights in 20 minutes, and was surprised at how easy it actually was. But, then he got me on lunges, and that took a lot out of me. I was closer to passing out than I've ever been since high school football. Needless to say, I got a good workout. But, on the bright side, I'm now sure I can make it up the building, now it's just a matter of speed. Anyway, I'm up to $90 on the donation scale, thanks in large parts to my Mom and mikethemonkey, but I still need to raise a lot more money for the Leukemia Society. It's a very good society, that puts the money to great use. So if you can spare $5, it would do a lot of good. So, if you can, please donate here. Current gamerscore stands at: 21,332
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,876
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,876
Preparing to climb the tallest building in the northwest
by dyaballikl on Comments
Not to bump my previous blogs off so early, but this is kinda important. So, I'm a big anti-cancer advocate and all that (kind of ironic since I'm a smoker!). And I got this pamphlet about the 21st Annual Big Climb for Leukemia, in which people raise donations and climb the 1,311 steps of the Columbia Tower in downtown Seattle, also known as the Bank of America building. It's a big'un, no doubt. That's why I signed up for a gym membership with a stair climber, and I'm really going to start training (and hopefully stop smoking!) for this thing. I think I can do it, and I even signed up as a racer, instead of the casual option of "climber". But, to the point. If you've got a few extra bucks in your pocket and are a good person, or if you itemize your taxes and are looking for another write-off, please help me out. I need to raise as much money as I can, and any large or small amount from you all will help hugely. Surely, none of you couldn't spare $5, or even $25. But, if everyone just on my friends list, not to mention the others who read this blog, would donate just $5, that'd put me at nearly $300 raised, and that's something. So, if you feel up to it (and kids, ask your parents), please donate at the secure donation site, and you have my personal assurances that you'll be in better standing with the Almighty! Thankyou. Current gamerscore stands at: 21,032
Current world gamerscore rank: 5,033
Current world gamerscore rank: 5,033
21,000 gamerscore
by dyaballikl on Comments
Just got my gamerscore over 21,000. I had no idea that the points from Eragon were so easy! It's not a terrible game, either. Although, I have played some terrible games this 1,000. Games played as follow: NHL 2K7 (0 points) - No points gained, but just cuz I'm not really into hockey games. Not a bad one, as far as hockey games go, though. Marvel Ultimate Alliance (55 points) - One I only got to play for a little while, seems like fun, I'll get back to it eventually. Need for Speed Carbon (100 points) - A really bad points game. Difficulty in the end is impossible if you haven't managed your cash just right. Sneak King (75 points) - My favorite BK game. Lotsa fun, kinda easy in the beginning, getting very challenging near the end. Star Trek Legacy (25 points) - Meh. Not a terrible game, not a great game. I might pick it up again someday. NEW RALLY-X (0 points) - Like the GS reviewer said, it wasn't a terribly exciting game 25 years ago, why would it be today? Doom (0 new points) - Just can't get enough. Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (0 points) - Possibly the most difficult points in any Xbox 360 game. Not only that, but the game is like the cheesiest porno film ever. And the gameplay sucks. Definitely avoid this one. Eragon (80 points) - Just starting off on this one. Easiest points since Kong. So, I've gone through plenty of games I didn't care enough to finish lately. It kinda feels like there haven't been many great games to come out lately. Maybe it's just a slow season. Anyway, I got some weed and it need smokin, so later! Current gamerscore stands at: 21,012
Current world gamerscore rank: 5,081
Current world gamerscore rank: 5,081
Level 27 - Shen Long (Shenron)
by dyaballikl on Comments
Just hit level 27 today, with current rank being Shen Long. I assume that's the same thing as Shenron, which is the magical dragon which appears when the characters in Dragon Ball collect all 7 of Earth's dragon balls, and grants one of their wishes. Anyway, not important. In additional news, good and bad. I've been delivering in this nasty ice and snow, and I've been using my awesome $80 + tax tire chains. Unfortunately, 2 of the links of them have broken, but I fixed it the first time with the extra replacement link. Unfortunately, I only got one, so I get to go track down an extra link to fix my chains, any tips? Also, I've been hearing a grinding, which I thought came from my right back brake, so I replaced it, but, turns out that it was coming from the front right. Oops. So I pulled off the pads, only to find that one of them was ground like you wouldn't believe. So much so that it was ground past the pad, and the metal below was grinding the hell outta my rotor. So, now I get to go buy a new rotor tomorrow, in addition to the pads I already bought today. Also, I'm supposed to work tomorrow morning for the big Seahawks game, which sucks, cuz I'll miss the game, and my car isn't ready. So, you're wondering where the good news is? Oh yeah, I love working on my car, that's pretty much the only good news. More bad news, I lost my top 5,000 worldwide gamerscore rank. It's been slow going lately. I just rented DOA Extreme 2, which is like the cheesiest porno I've ever seen! Anyway, here's the finish you've been waiting for: Current gamerscore stands at: 20,932
Current world gamerscore rank: 5,045
Current world gamerscore rank: 5,045
Gettin a little tired of these snowstorms (now with pics!)
by dyaballikl on Comments
This is our second major snowstorm in the past couple months. It just started this afternoon, although yesterday was sunny and warm. Right now, however, we're sitting on about 6+ inches of snow. I, of course, had to deliver pizzas tonight. So, I took 4 deliveries on my first run out the door. One of them, I couldn't make it to and the lady completely understood, another, I couldn't make it to and the guy was a total ****head about it. The other two, I had to park up a hill and walk almost a mile down to in order to get the pizzas to. On the bright side, I saved some lives! Well, sorta. See, I helped one guy get his chains on his car, one lady I pushed her car up a hill, when I was on my way back to my car, one guy who was walking to me how his 15 month old daughter was stranded at her daycare, so I drove him a couple miles outta my way, and even gave him a pizza, then, believe it or not, another lady near the daycare flagged me down, telling me how her family had no food and couldn't get out, so I gave her the pizzas I couldn't deliver. I'd say I did some good tonight. On the downside, I only made a few bucks, and probably won't be able to get to school tomorrow, still, always feels good to help. Oh yeah, and I got back from vacation a few days ago, and just started school the day after I got back. This quarter, I'm taking an easy Chem course, as well as one really easy Criminal Justice class and one pretty tough Criminal Justice class. Also, I'm gonna get to work on the Lego Union, so those of you looking to join or get more activity there, it's on the way! Finally, Xbox 360 news: I got Star Trek Legacy, regardless of how much I hate Star Trek, the game seems to have very little to do with Star Trek, except maybe the ship designs. It's actually a fairly generic space game, and it's pretty fun, but kinda hard. I got stuck on the very first mission, cuz you gotta protect this space station, but they keep blowing it up. Anyway, points have been slow going, report to follow: Current gamerscore stands at: 20,932
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,963 [edit] and here are pics from the snow, this is the day after (being today)
And keep in mind people that we didn't get a single inch of snow last year, yet this has happened twice already this season.
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,963 [edit] and here are pics from the snow, this is the day after (being today)
Would you join this union?
by dyaballikl on Comments
I'm thinking of creating a Lego Union. I'm amazed that there's not one already, considering the awesomeness that is Legos. Do many people love Legos as much as I? Would you join the union if invited? Let me know, I need founders. Current gamerscore stands at: 20,762
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,656
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,656
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