Stuck in SeaTac Airport
by dyaballikl on Comments
Current world gamerscore rank: 4,521
Hey party people. So, the news of my 20k gamerscore is cooling off in all our minds a bit (:D), and time for more. So, I know I said I'd do something for my hitting 20k, and I did. Inspired by superdude's comment, I used my webcam and made a surprisingly good video tutorial on disassembling and reassembling your Xbox 360. I say surprisingly good, because at 1am, I decided to start it, and at 3am, I finally fixed all the stuff my dad screwed up with my webcam! So I filmed for 45 minutes, and edited for 2 hours, and at about 6am, it was complete!
Now, even if you don't plan on disassembling your 360, you might check it out. I was actually surprised at how well I edited it, considering the time and tired level. And I threw in some pretty good text jokes, making fun of the stupid things I was doing, so check it out!!! It's on my videos list, if you can't see it right below:
Other news, tomorrow, I'll be flying out to New York to visit family for a few days for Christmas, then driving down to Virginia from there a couple days after Christmas, then flying back on the 2nd, probably. Now, why is this important, you may ask? Well, because I'll have NO XBOX 360!!!!! Jeebus, the things I do for my family!! The 3 day blackout wasn't bad enough, now I gotta put up with this! Well, as much as I absolutely despise the Sony PoS3, and tried to convince my sister for hours not to get one, she got one for my brother-in-law, the two of whom I'm visiting in Virginia, so maybe I'll see what the competition's working with for a bit while I'm there.
See y'all when I get back! (typing with a southern accent for my trip to the south, how'd I do?)
Got a Christmas present a few days ago, it was a Zelda cart style golden case for my 360. So I set it up and put the old case back together, just to make it look like I have 2 360's. And, of course, I took TONS of pics, here are some:
and, of course, here's what it looks like when i put the non-awesome-golden stuff back in:
hope ya enjoyed it!
Current gamerscore stands at: 19,852
Current world gamerscore rank: 5,142
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