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dyaballikl Blog

Stuck in SeaTac Airport

So, I'm trying to head to New York, but my typical luck has caught up with me again. Let me explain, last time I went to New York was last July. My plane had mechanical problems, and I wound up waiting in the airport for about 12 hours. Now, it's happening again. Our first plane, which was supposed to take off at quarter after 1 in the afternoon (8 hours ago now) had issues with the air conditioner. Eventually, we got another plane at another gate, this being the third gate after the first one got switched, but this one had avionics troubles. So, now we wait for a third plane. I've explained to the people sitting next to me that being on a plane with me is extremely bad luck for departing on time, and it's true. Now the whole plane blames me, damnit! So, they've given us $18 in food vouchers. Of course, I spent $15 of that on coffee (and the remaining on beer!). Other than that, I thank God that I won this Macbook, because otherwise I'd be dying here. Bad part is that I'm with my Dad and can't smoke any cigarettes, so I'm kinda goin crazy. I just now managed to get the Wi-fi working, costing me $8 for 24 hours, and I just might wind up using the whole thing! So, we're scheduled to depart in 2 hours, a full 10 hours after original departure schedule, and the fact that I have no games on this laptop means I'm just having the time of my life. Oh yeah, and I bought Sneak King from Burger King last night and played all night long, and now I've got such a huge craving for BK burgers, due to the fact that the game's just one big product placement (as opposed to recent sellout games like NFS Carbon and Scarface), atleast BK is straight out about it. Anyhoo, I opened my Christmas presents yesterday, got a pretty good haul. Got a wicked chainsaw, a certificate for a 1 hour massage, a 360 wireless headset (king of unnecessary accessories!), a 360 plug and play recharge kit, a massaging seat for my car!, and some kickass new high end goalie gloves. Nice haul, indeed. Ok, I'm gonna go screw around with the shopkeepers, to help pass the time. Current gamerscore stands at: 20,762
Current world gamerscore rank
: 4,521

Merry Christmas, Junior Modders!

Hey party people. So, the news of my 20k gamerscore is cooling off in all our minds a bit (:D), and time for more. So, I know I said I'd do something for my hitting 20k, and I did. Inspired by superdude's comment, I used my webcam and made a surprisingly good video tutorial on disassembling and reassembling your Xbox 360. I say surprisingly good, because at 1am, I decided to start it, and at 3am, I finally fixed all the stuff my dad screwed up with my webcam! So I filmed for 45 minutes, and edited for 2 hours, and at about 6am, it was complete!

Now, even if you don't plan on disassembling your 360, you might check it out. I was actually surprised at how well I edited it, considering the time and tired level. And I threw in some pretty good text jokes, making fun of the stupid things I was doing, so check it out!!! It's on my videos list, if you can't see it right below:


Other news, tomorrow, I'll be flying out to New York to visit family for a few days for Christmas, then driving down to Virginia from there a couple days after Christmas, then flying back on the 2nd, probably. Now, why is this important, you may ask? Well, because I'll have NO XBOX 360!!!!! Jeebus, the things I do for my family!! The 3 day blackout wasn't bad enough, now I gotta put up with this! Well, as much as I absolutely despise the Sony PoS3, and tried to convince my sister for hours not to get one, she got one for my brother-in-law, the two of whom I'm visiting in Virginia, so maybe I'll see what the competition's working with for a bit while I'm there.

See y'all when I get back! (typing with a southern accent for my trip to the south, how'd I do?)

20,000 Gamerpoints & Top 5,000!!!!!

Must have been the longest 1,000 EVER!!!! It only made matters worse that I was without power for 3 full days! Overall, this thousand took 9 days. Games which attributed to 19k-20k were: NCAA Football 07 (940 points) Open Season (55 points) (I know, I'm frickin dirty!!!) You may now commence with congratulating and worshipping me!! Current gamerscore stands at: 20,007
Current world gamerscore rank
: 5,067 [update] Current gamerscore stands at: 20,197
Current world gamerscore rank
: 4,896

Sexbox 360

Got a Christmas present a few days ago, it was a Zelda cart style golden case for my 360. So I set it up and put the old case back together, just to make it look like I have 2 360's. And, of course, I took TONS of pics, here are some:

and, of course, here's what it looks like when i put the non-awesome-golden stuff back in:

hope ya enjoyed it!

Current gamerscore stands at: 19,852
Current world gamerscore rank
: 5,142

Nerdy gamer - power = lethally boring!

Some of you in the USA may have heard about the wind storms and flooding in western Washington last Thursday. You may also have heard that most of the western half of the state lost power for days! I was included. I lost power at 1:30 AM on Friday, and regained power at 12 AM on Monday, almost 3 full days with no showers, laundry, cell phone charging, xbox, tv, internet, light, heat, or anything else that electricity brings us. So, I had to go to my soccer game in order to get a hot shower and had to bring in my laptop, cell phone, and rechargeable flashlights to work to charge them. I barely got any sleep, since I have A.D.D. really bad (like, I'm sure, most of the rest of the people on this site!), and I can't sleep until I entirely expend all of my mental energy, and that's usually done through video games or intense physical exercise, like soccer. With my only entertainment being watching 1 movie on my laptop before the battery died, it was not a pleasant 3 days, not even to mention that I stunk and was freezing my ass off the whole time. But, I'm back, and unfortunately, my international gamerscore rank has dropped like 100 points. So, I'm going to try to get back to it today, although I have a lot of work to do, including replacing a couple hundred dollars of spoiled food. Peace. Current gamerscore stands at: 19,852 Current world gamerscore rank: 5,111

Mid 1,000 update!

Ok, so I know this doesn't much call for an update, but I just wanted to mention that NCAA 07 football is extremely easy points, and in just one short evening after work, has boosted me about 800 points, and more to come tomorrow. So current gamerscore is standing at 19,802, but two things: one, I think I should do something big for my hitting 20,000, anybody got any good ideas? And 2, I'm now verrrry close to the top 5,000 gamerscore (out of almost a million and a half). Also, all my blog entries are gonna end like this from now on: Current gamerscore stands at: 19,802 Current world gamerscore rank: 5,053

19,000 Gamerpoints!!!

Finally! It actually only took 7 days to go from 18-19 thousand, but I've actually been at 18,987 for a couple days now, struggling to get those 13 points to put me over! But, Doom finally did it for me. I finally got the Episode 4 achievement for completing it on Hurt Me Plenty. I had had a lot of trouble with this episode, not because it was too hard, but because of the huge ammo shortage in the first level. But, I perservered and only wound up killing like half the enemies on level one. Overall, I think I saved 300 times in Episode 4! Other games I've played this thousand: NBA Live 06, until I realized I'd already played this one! More Oblivion, although my Knights of the Nine download doesn't work!!! RoboBlitz, a really lame game with an awesome engine. Need more Unreal powered XBLA games. Project 8, hated it. NBA LIVE 07, getting me 750 points. Very easy, but crappy game. Need for Speed Carbon and Sonic the Hedgehog, didn't care for either too much. Some more NBA 2K7 And the Burger King game, Pocket Bike Racer, which is pretty cool. Overall, I've played quite a few games that I really didn't like this thousand. Hopefully, the road to 20,000 will have more fun games (although, if the game's fun enough, it'll just take one to get me there.) Current gamerscore stands at: 19,012 Current world gamerscore rank: 5,622

Game birthdays and a monster of a concert

Ok, I should've mentioned the concert before. It happened 2 days ago, it was called "107.7 The End's Deck the Hall Ball." It featured 8 incredible bands and only ran us $37.50 a person. Bands playing were (in order from favorite to least favorite): Gnarls Barkley, My Chemical Romance, Angels and Airwaves, The Shins, Jet, Snow Patrol, Pete Yorn, and Taking Back Sunday. Gnarls Barkley played the show as characters from Austin Powers, and the lead singer from My Chemical Romance was doing some awesome moves with the microphone. All around, an incredible show (especially since I smoked weed in the bathroom after each band!).

Also, for this blog, I promised video game birthdays. Now, I only do this when it's a really important day for video game birthdays, last time was for Zelda Ocarina of Time for Nintendo 64, and this one is no less important! Birthdays for December 10th are:

1942 for NES, happy 20th!!!! Top Gun, the high point of the NES QuickShot, also for NES, happy 19th! Halo Zero for PC, possibly the best fan made game, happy 1st birthday! and, certainly, most important of all: Doom for PC, Happy f'ing 13th!!!!
Kind of ironic, since I've been playing Doom on 360 Live Arcade like crazy lately. I've played through it on 360 about 10 times on all 4 chapters since I got it. Such an incredible game and a hugely influential one, a game that worked on just about every computer, since it was so extremely well designed and programmed, even being a game that my 4 year old nephew plays to this day, Doom will live on forever!

Gears of War on Insane: Mission Complete!

Yer goddamned right! Me n ma boi chaos cougar dun wiped up insane difficulty. It took some time, one controller, one headset, part of another, and probably a few weeks off my life, but we did it. I was all ready to come on and say it couldn't be done, but we actually did a pretty damn good job! Some really tough parts, like where you split up down in the mines during act 3, we got through in 1 try! And the burnt rubber chapter of act 2, where you drive the car and shoot the kryll, we completed in about 4 tries, thanks to memorizing the patterns of the kryll. And we did this all with like 20,000 miles of lag! Really, he was a trooper to put up with all that lag. But, it was worth it to get 180 gamer points, and this gamer picture, which is unlocked upon beating insane mode:  On top of that, current gamer score stands at 18,237, and I just finally made it into the top 6,000 gamers worldwide!

18,000 Gamerpoints

I'm unstoppable! 5 days after hitting 17 grand, I top 18. Credit for this past thousand goes to a couple insane difficulty achievements on Gears of War, a bunch of achievements in Godfather, and a buttload of easy achievements in NBA2k7. I know, I know, going for sports games that I don't even like is cheap, but come on, they're easy ass points! For those having trouble in NBA2k7 with points, here's my advice: Make 5 of your own players, all with max skills. adjust the game sliders heavily in your favor. Start your players on the bench, then sub them in as soon as the game starts. In the game, use one guy to just keep jacking the ball (cuz you turned reaching fouls off, also turn shooting fouls up to high and cpu to high fouling, so you can get 15 free throws). Convert your steals to assists in the paint on fast breaks. Using this strategy, I amassed 10 achievements in one game for like 200 points! Also, for defeating the rivalries on Hall of Fame difficulty, that's so damn easy. Again, adjust the sliders to your favor, and set the quarter time to 1 minute. You'll be done with all of them in an hour. That's like an easy 500 points right there. Anyway, current gamerscore stands at 18,017. In other news, my car's water pump is going out, leaking all over the place, so my car is overheating. That kinda sucks, replacing the water pump is a hastle, too, since you have to remove the timing belt. Nuthin I can't handle, though. Oh yeah, and I put up a fair review for The Godfather, check it out if you were interested in the game. Also, I quit my soccer team yesterday, due to differences with my coach, who was being kind of a dick. So I'm trying to get on this other team that's pretty nice. Dat's it, latazz.