@blitxxx1981: same BF was the one game I could depend on getting my money's worth. Well BF1 was ridiculous 1 crate a month for meaningless unlock items ugh when did rentable server's ever show up? Great game but I got SWBF2 for $24 3 months after coming out and Titan Fall 2 for 20. Dice I'm waiting...... I heard premium doesn't exist in 5?
@gunnyninja: me too Microsoft have paid me over $600.00 the last 4 years. I can use it for live ,buy games or think of it as they reimburse me prior to getting the X O X. Soooo happy here lol
@lonesamurai1: by the way what did you think of State of Decay 1 ? I bought on sale thought oh ok and picked it up a year later and got some fun out of it. I expect kinda the same with 2 so like you I'll wait a bit .. but no doubt after the inevitable ironing out it could be ok. Oh that's right I was given another free pass month so I can play for free..... and you?
@rtehrani: normally I would never do something like CD keys .... well it works I live in U.S and only odd thing was confirmation code coming from England so I think I had a 1$ text charge on phone bill ... good luck
All my Hope's and dreams are knowingly already crushed. Rockstar probably started printing digital cash 3 years ago in anticipation. Playing a bit of original on the One X just puts it all in perspective. Excited to wait and see on this one
Sega toys in vending machines in game shouldn't be allowed on ps4 ? How did all these Sega haters end up claiming this game?
Back in day no one owned a Dreamcast except famous people on MTV cribs all the kids and teens at time were all like "I'm waiting for ps2" what gives still have Dreamcast and games stored away
@syntaxkt: you are so late on this post little buddy .... so hold your horses anyone who is Anyone already knows this. In fact you trying to inform us all while we all get to play Digital foundry at home is ridiculous ?
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