@Isamu_36: ewoks were the beginning of the end,all that merchandising and McDonalds (I think) promotion's it was awful as an adult the moment I saw Jar Jar Binks I died :)
@solidsnake7882: ummm I got stuck in bottom of a well and would have had to restart entirely from scratch. Found one other person on forums that this also happened to them.I should have but never replayed Oblivion
Way to ruin you're experience why even play the game? First it was best gun in game found at beginning of game, infinite caps etc. Not gonna read any of it why waist money on a cheat through?
Wow surprising that Big Business Sporting doesn't care about it's fans or the fact that fan's taxes pay for their ridiculous Sporting Arena's. Screw Sports !!
@darklord_86: seriously I've been gaming for decades and in the past I wouldn't have cared as much. Having classics (Sonic, pac man, etc.) Available is great anyone not understanding this are hopeless. AAA games I could care less but digital purchased arcade games are nice to still have in my collection. And they look classy sitting in my collection :)
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