Will be huge not just this year but come next holiday with a permanent $250 price point and black friday bundles along with a possible redesign or lower end sku that functions as a portable only unit with integrated joycons for $179.99. Tales from my ass, but make it happen Nintendo!
eNT1TY's forum posts
I expect to see the PS5 at E32018 and a release in 2019.
Announced the same week or month Scorpio launches whenever that may be is my expectation long before they are actually ready to make one, promising the moon along the way, with an unattainable launch window that insists the "small wait" of 1 year (+/+ 1 year) will be worthwhile and to ignore scorpio altogether. Some of the gaming press will eat it up and regurgitate the ps5 promise with increasingly positive speculation. Expect a DF article a month later fellating ever aspect of its fantasy specs. But yeah, a PS5 announcement during scorpio launch can hurt scorpio and possibly even cripple the pro as collateral dmg.
They should... hell, even make forza steam vr compatible.
Persona 4 Golden
Grim Dawn
Lords of the Fallen
Considering giving Black Desert another go since quitting last summer.
Not listing handhelds or windows pc gaming purchases, dates are fuzzy at best, and like another poster did, * for currently still owned
atari 2600 - got it when it no longer mattered though i recall the "under $50" rap ad airing on tv
c64 - pops bought it from "crazy eddie's" around 1986 possibly even before the atari, thoroughly enjoyed it and its shitty space harrier port
nes - when Rygar was new
master system - tag sale tantrum, came with 3d glasses, around mario 3 release date (lol i needed to use nintendo game as a mnemonic device for when i got this)
amiga 500 - a few years before shadow of the beast
Snes *- launch day purchase from Child World with the combined allowances of my bro and i with parents covering the rest (our contribution was minor it turns out)
Genesis - a little after sonic debuted and during the blast processing days, loved me some "inferior ports" and phantasy stars
Turbo grafx 16 * - pawn shop purchase with a whole bunch of games (a fairly complete bundle with like 50 carts) for like $120.
3DO - Father purchased and returned it 1 day before return policy from Walden Software, Crash n Burn was kinda cool at the time
Playstation - my 1st console purchase without parental help, me and my bro split the difference on release date then i later bought my "share" from him
N64 - few months after launch
Saturn * - gen was winding down and DC was already announced, bought used very cheap with expansion pack, kicked myself for not giving it a shot earlier, still play dragon force from time to time
Dreamcast *- release date, masterpiece of a console. Sony did Sega dirty announcing ps2 way before launch and during the 1st DC holiday, i worked at toys r us at the time and that announcement killed much of the buzz dc was generating
PS2 * - release date, bought 3 re-sold 2, great system
Xbox - not on release but close enough, loved it, beta tested live and have been a member since
GC - don't even remember when i bought it, got it second hand with that lcd monitor lid (came in handy)
360 * - release date, bought 2 re-sold both, repurchased during GeOW and ps3 launch window
PS3 * - release date, bought 2 re-sold 1.
Wii (lol) * - release date, bought 4 re-sold 4, eventually repurchased after it stopped selling well and pawnshops were dumping them for $60
PS4 * - release date
XB1 * - release date
Wii U (lolx2) - release date then sold within a month, re-acquired from a craigslist trade for a gtx 970 mini days after Switch presentation
Rikusaki - selfawareness = tc
Something MS announced way too early (that won't even make it's launch date) in an effort to mitigate buzz from a ps4 pro e-3 unveiling. It does not exist in any form at present moment beyond a promise, some AMD commitments, and a nice render of a pcb and some components. Hopefully when it launches in 2018 it will be a beast in a box and the start of a new gen with full xbox 1 backward compatibility.
You two are best friends now. You have to make up some positive shit about the Switch that isn't true cement your friendship.
I don't have to make anything up. The fact is that the Switch offers more screenspace than any HD tv by simply bringing the device closer to your face. You factually don't need to get up or move closer to TV and its the only console that doesn't need a TV and can be enjoyed without a base.
It's a variable screensize device, 1st of its kind, that warrants a premium price, innovation isn't cheap.
I want the switch (or rather, Nintendo) to do well but there are a lot of design and functionality choices for the switch that baffle me besides price, this approach to voice chat is among them.
I'll just have to buy a used wii-u for zelda.
If you do, be sure to pick up Bayonetta 2 as well. Excellent game, easily one of the best titles this gen.
Indeed, there are several titles that i will scoop up along the way and that is one of them. Wanna mess with captain toad and super mario 3d world as well.
You want to buy mine? I've got these games, a Pro controller and the original box, it's all in mint condition.
Shoot me a price if you're interested.
Damn, thats not a bad pile of games, half of that pile is basically what im interested in. I will explore local options here in CT via craigslist or pawn-shop first, but i will definitely entertain dropping you and offer if you would be willing even if just for the games.
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