I'm not really understanding the need to replay such old games and even older systems. I have a PS3 that's been sat on a shelf for well over 5 years now and I don't really know why I keep it. Certainly not for playing games, so I can understand why Sony would want to get rid of the stores because that stuff is just so old now. Same with backward compatibility, I never really understood the massive shitstorm that sort of stuff kicks up when a new console is released. I play a game probably once in it's entirety and then it's done. I know some people play through the same game on different difficulty settings to extend it's lifespan. DLC can do the same and obviously multiplayer/coop etc if the servers still exist, also extend the games life but seriously, are you replaying old games on old systems like 5-10 years after their sell by date? Really - that's just sad man.
Unfortunately, this will be one of those high profile games that I'm just gonna let pass me by, simply because of the launch debacle.
The sad thing is, it will be a long time before it's anywhere near what it needs to be for me to consider looking into. A cautionary tale for any developer out there is to make sure your product is of the very highest quality before dropping it for public consumption. It's happening a lot and it simply has to stop.
Cyberpunk is one of those games that I had an interest in but it's come & gone and I've moved onto other things.
If you want my money in the future CDPR, you better get you shit together.
The RTX 2080 I have currently installed is about a year old now and still going strong. It hardly breaks a sweat on anything I run maxed out on all the games I run, literally on ultra settings but I am already thinking about an RTX 3070 for my other computer but not at the prices I'm currently seeing advertised right now.
I think I'm OK holding out until all this settles down but I really can't see an end to the situation regarding availability and price anytime soon.
Such a massive collapse of a once great gaming studio. This is a cautionary tale on how to screw up a great developer and let it descend into absolute chaos.
Anthem should never have seen the light of day and Jason Schreier's post mortem of the development of that 'game' goes into detail on how it was so fundamentally screwed in pretty much every department, led to the obscene waste of time and money. Patrick Söderlund takes full responsibility for that debacle and he 'left' shortly after the games release, to nobody's surprise.
Bioware, I doubt will ever recover from that and the company has been hemorrhaging staff ever since.
@n0matter: Yeah, I've seen the sales numbers but that does nothing to satisfy the people who want more games and better hardware. Even the Wi-U sold reasonably well for Nintendo, even though it was a pile of junk on release, Nintendo loyalists still went out and bought it. Not a Sony fanboy either. I just have my PS3, which now sits collecting dust on my shelf and I missed PS4 altogether in favour of PC gaming, so you're waaaay off the mark with your assessment of my gaming habits. Go figure, it's the internet.
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