@PETERAKO: I think your definition of failure is very different to mine. Projected sales figures are just that, projected. They are a desirable, internal figure the company expects to reach and are often waaay over-inflated. The break-even figure is considerably lower and I imagine EA achieved that on day 1 purchases alone. Anything after that is pure profit.
Contrary to popular belief and the shitstorm that was micro-transactions, EA still cashed in massively with that. Regardless of the backlash, it was still popular and continues to be so, bringing in huge revenue.
It is a weird situation with EA having bad press from this, it didn't help their public perception but when shareholders are laughing all the way to the bank with EA shares being higher than they ever were, we can shout about it and hate EA as much as you like but they aint going anywhere soon.
@Barighm: Not really. The game made an absolute ton of money, no matter which way you cut it, 9 million copies and rising is a ridiculous amount of profit for EA. Add to that the colossal amount of money EA made with micro- transactions, regardless of the backlash, adds up to an even larger profit margin.
Ultimately, EA would have liked this to have been ludicrously successful, instead of really successful but I reckon they will settle for that.
Make no mistake, this game was massively profitable for EA.
This is an instant classic in every sense of the word. Great cyberpunk visualisation & art direction, top notch production and a really engaging, futuristic story delivered in an incredibly well paced format.
A new Star Wars movie back in the day, ESB & ROTJ in particular, were more like religious experiences and guaranteed to be jaw dropping. They always expanded the story and took special effects & cinematography to a whole new level.
The Star Wars franchise just isn't special anymore.
Not sure if I was watching the same show as some of you but I watched all 10 episodes yesterday in a binge-fest and thought it was superb.
For a TV show, this puts some major film franchises to shame. The production levels are pretty sweet and Netflix basically threw everything at this knowing it would pay them back big time.
If you're sci-fi fan who likes cyberpunk, you owe it to yourself to watch this.
I expect Cyberpunk 2077 to be delayed because of this show. After the CD Projekt Red development team see this, they might want to re-visit some of their ideas.
You have to laugh at the irony though. Massive public outcry about anything and everything EA related. Witch hunt for the company on a monumental scale and at the end of it all, they're worth more money than when this all started.
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