First person all the way for me - I never like the 3rd person perspective and as someone who grew up on Quake and Unreal Tournament, this is heaven for me personally.
A fully rendered character on screen takes up a massive resource, not only to render but in animation and collision etc. I would rather that detail go into the game world.
@hrv_25: Same could be said for music but I would bet money on not many people really worrying about owning a vinyl record, That's usually relegated to audiophiles or purists who insist on listening to music on an old turn table, thinking the audio is far superior and the album cover art is a must have. In reality, the average Joe will be more than happy listening to their music on the go via mp3 on spotify. That's the reality isn't it?
Now that it's been worked on and patched for what is effectively, an additional 2 years development period, No Man's Sky today is, in many ways, the game it should have been on release. It's actually sad that the quality and experience the product gave us was so low. Add to that the fact that the hype train blew this thing out to ridiculous levels and it's legacy isn't one I would be proud of. Remembered for all the wrong reasons when it landed. I had no interest in the game at release and I have even less interest now.
I remember the same knee-jerk reaction from a lot of people when digital downloads came out. There was uproar but now, no one bats an eyelid at the thought of downloading content or streaming stuff. I don't think physical copies will go completely but they will occupy an ever receding space on shelves, hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we see that shit disappear from high streets in 5-10 years altogether as literally everything will be on the cloud. If you've got shitty internet connection speeds, then you should be complaining to the network provider to get their act together, since that's where the problem lies. I, fortunately, have excellent broadband connectivity in the UK and in Sweden and digital/cloud storage/downloads are just an accepted thing. Never any issues, never, or rarely any slowdown/throttling, so content for games, or anything related to that kind of casual entertainment as a service is absolutely fine. I'm already halfway there with streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, You Tube etc. shit just about everything I watch now is streamed and I honestly can't remember the last time I bought a DVD. Most of my DVD collection has disappeared over the years and what I do have on shelves is just collecting dust. Same with games.
Yeah, I have to agree, a 9 is waaaaaay too generous for this racer. I mean, ridiculously generous.
My main gripe is that for a 2018 game, the visuals look really bad. Presentation looks kinda sloppy and it's just one of those hold the accelerator down and just point the vehicle somewhere. Not my cup of tea.
I'll wait to see how the other reviews fair but I'm pretty sure your high score is a bit crazy.
ecurl143's comments