@805junior805 Nah, You just have to make sure you trade the game only once, and become the buyers friend for at least 30 days....not that bad.
Are those updates REALLY that important to make the XB1 completely useless after 24 hrs?Or is this primarily for control purposes?
@tushwacker Oh, stop being babies.If PlayStation has any fanboys, its the ones who jumped the fence on your side at the end of this gen.
Shoot, I only wish I could stay home and game, instead of having to work for a living.That whole "crime doesn't pay" line is bullshit.
Come on people, this is just what Tom does (read his editorial description)., he's been doing this for years. Its not a reflection of Game spot in general.Reviews are based on personal preference, which is why there is Metacritic.
edant79's comments