These greedy publishers want to take advantage of gamers as much as possible, especially the young that don't know any better. It's too bad 95% of AAA quality studios are owned by publishers. A game like this is not even worth the $60 price at launch. The footage I saw with the gamespot staff seems great, but overall the game will lack content to be really worth it.
Edo-Tensei_'s forum posts
Sony also has movie studios and for that reason making cinematic games is less complicated and less expensive for them to produce. I guess other types of studios have to fork more cash to release a similar game(at least that's my reasoning).
How about they do backwards compatibility now? Since PSNow is out of the way they can do something for people with an actual backlog they rather play?
All versions look fine to me. This type of game doesn't benefit that much with higher frames. most of the game screen is static.
@steaminpotatoes: Yeah, but that was some BS'ing around too. The game's pacing is perfect at the beginning, compelling in the second part, and just bad in the last part. It can be completed quicker, but imagine 15 hours minimum.
Capcom could add new content to this HD re-release is they were smart. A lot of sections in the GC version showed brand new content the original RE didn't have. But Crapcom is handling this so forget that. I would have been nice to bring new life to the game.
I'm waiting for a physical release. Don't think that will happen, but maybe it's possible if they remade Re0 as well and bundled the package like the kingdom hearts games on the ps3. I'm also keeping an eye in case they use the HD assets to REmake other RE games. That would be glorious. Imagine RE2 with modern graphics and art style. Or running away from nemesis with more realistic visuals and animations. Do want.
Without counting remakes and re - releases the gb version of link ' awakening. The Oracle games were brilliant as well. It' too bad nintendo didn't pursue more 2 d zelda games, especially since both the Minish cap and link between world's are a disappointment( to me at least).
I mean, I am okay with Minish Cap and ALBW being disappointing to you, that's fine, but how can you say they didn't pursue 2D Zelda games after the Oracle ones... when they did, in fact, do so? You just named two 2D games they made after the Oracle games yourself, one of which is barely a year old. You finding them disappointing does not negate their existence, which in turns makes your first statement meaningless.
You're right, it didn't make sense, and both those games are still worth playing for sure. But like I said, they didn't meet my expectations. Minish cap was the first 2d zelda game that felt short for me and that was a very long time ago, almost a decade, no?
Without counting remakes and re - releases the gb version of link ' awakening. The Oracle games were brilliant as well. It' too bad nintendo didn't pursue more 2 d zelda games, especially since both the Minish cap and link between world's are a disappointment( to me at least).
@ConanTheStoner: you're right about the atmosphere comment when they created twin snakes. However to me it wasn't as big of a problem because they reused a lot of the elements of sons of liberties that were present from that game. I welcomed the changes and didn't reject the remake like a lot of people. To me the blend of the two games was brilliant.
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