Although James Cameron is responsible for some some of the greatest action films ever (T2 and Aliens); he seems to be rather tool-ish. I mean, he's sick of the number Avengers films, but he's preparing to make 4 sequels to Avatar...
@hardcoregamer1: i also hope whatever is purchasable in-game are also unlockable. Another reason why OW does it well - you can buy the loot boxes for items, or just play a lot to get them without paying.
I know it isn't new, but can we stop using the term "games as a service"? It feels like we're using the industry's euphemism for milking customers. I'm not saying it is always bad, good DLC does exist, but there are bad versions of it, too. We just need to think of a pro-consumer phrase to replace "games as a service."
@Marky360: i'm in the same boat. nintendo hasn't done anything yet to show that i should pay anything for the online system and features that are currently on offer.
@itchyflop: I feel like Nintendo can be often so behind the times, someone at their office just recently got a Google Cardboard and thought, "hey guys, I have a great idea!"
eggs_benedict's comments