el_cobra99's forum posts
Yeah if you look at the auction it's not a hoax, no way. But that image posted looks a little dodgy imho.death1505921
Since when does a piece of paper cast a shadow that looks like its human.
well what did he say???druid39
He said hes busy with something right now and that I should ask another time.
Yup you read correctly... someone has already bought an Elite from a Target Store and you can see the pic with the receipt. If you can zoom in you can see the date and time of purchase and how much it costs with taxes.
Also here is the ebay auction for it: http://cgi.ebay.com/Xbox-360-Elite-AVAILABLE-NOW-Will-ship-%20IMMEDIATELY_W0QQitemZ230118912673QQihZ013QQcategor%3Cbr%20/%3EyZ62054QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
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