My favourite game of all time is The Longest Journy (and it's follow up title), which are considered works of art in gaming. I have an XBOX360. I'm glad I don't fit into this guys idea. He might be right though. I haven't really noticed what's on offer on other platforms.
I really don't understand why people would get so upset? skipping action is why the angst? I think it's a great idea. Sometimes I skip dialogue, and sometimes I just want to get past a fight/action seqence to get on with it. I agree with her 100%. If I met these pricks, I wouldn't skip the action sequence with them! knobs
the number means nothing. See a six and then read 'why' its a six. it's usually because it's being compared to something else, or there are some tech glitches
I don't mind paying for extra content. It can be an empty feeling when you've just finished a game you enjoyed and there isn't anything new to discover. I agree that subscriptions are bad and paying for multiplayer content is crap. I'm fine with paying a small amount for extra levels in a long as these levels weren't held back on purpose, but were developed because of positive feedback from the game.
I have to play multiplayer games, because my wife wants to play too. I'm the market for local co-ops. Resident evil 5, army of two, gears of war, Halo and the up and coming Hunted. They're perfect for us. If only Dragon age or Oblivion had a multiplayer option...
emerin76's comments