@sippio: TLOU2 on youtube is a cesspool of ignorace. Quite a portion of the youtubers deserved to be banned for trying to cash in on the drama and exasperating said drama with unfound claims.
@firstdawn: Frankly couldn’t care less about their smart business moves. I only care if they care about great new game experiences. Given what they showed with Halo infinite, they seem to hardly do. There is no excuse for a highly touted series like Halo to look so badly. Xbox best push out good games moving forward or they will fall into casualness obscurity.
They are already looking casual gaming centric and more focused on maximizing profits. Which is fine for them ($$$$), but how does that matter to a Gamer with a passion for great games?
It doesn’t.
“OMG exclusives” Do you mean to sound any more like a sellout?
Games like TLOU, Bloodborne, Demon Souls, Mario, Zelda are among the best games ever made. They matter.
Dont expect gamers to care more about Microsofts smart business moves.
@hymele0n: you could say Xbox isn't even trying to compete with Sony in this manner. Frankly Xbox cant. And this alone is reason enough for them to go a different direction. Xbox lost the battle a while back, but not the war so to speak.. and so Sony will continue to lead the way with the best experiences In gaming.
I will continue to wait for a surprise from Xbox, but I wont hold my breath.
@Barighm: Good point. Remnant is actually a great co-op and great game overall. I do agree it should have gotten more press. I do think overall it saw reasonable amount of success.
EmmanuelGuerrero's comments