I would be excited if it wasn't for that terrible and stiff walking animation on the main character. Also why does she look so spaced out? That they couldn't bother to do better with the main character doesn't spark much confidence in the rest of the game.
I see a game like this and quickly begin to compare it to Vanillaware games, and that doesn't help it. In this case I would rather just wait for another title from Vanillaware.
I hope I am wrong, but this seems in my face bad.
(On that note anyone played 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim? That's a great game!)
@joecollin: You are good to go then. Just be sure to turn off camera acceleration (please pass this message on) on the controls settings. Ray Tracing can also be turned off for steady 60fps as I don't consider AMD's implementation worth it at the moment. Now given what I've seen from the Village demo you wont be missing out too much playing on the PS5. Its looks and plays fantastically. I will be on PC of course, but considering how nice it looked on PS5 I'm not sure what else better to expect. I guess a more pronounced RTX and maybe fog, and particle detail? that's all up in the air to me at the moment.
Edit: Also, the likely hood of Returnal being anything below 85 across the board is very very low and a 90+ would not be surprising at all. So I'd keep my eye on that game. I've already pre-ordered both of these titles. Preordering is generally a bad idea, but these are the exception.
@thecupidstunts: that demo looked incredible on the PS5. I’m getting it for PC and don’t know what else to expect. I suppose better shadow detail, fog/particle effects and easy Ray Tracing.
Really surprised with the next gen consoles though.
Edit: loved the characters in particular, very detailed and engaging! This RE is very narrative driven.
EmmanuelGuerrero's comments