I have no idea how long Fantasian or World of Demons is. They are pretty substantial titles though and Fantasian is the first in a planned series. Part 2 will come later. I would think 30+ hours for the first part of Fantasian more or less.
If you own a Playstation 5. Please remember to pick up Returnal on the 30th of April. I think people expect it to be an easy pass. That is a big mistake, trust me when I say it will be fantastic and be sure to pick it up.
If you like JRPG's at all then you need to immediately download "Fantasian". Don't know if Hinorobu Sakaguchi and Nobou Eumatsu rings a bell, but in any case. Download and play that game. Then tell your friends about it.
And if you like games like "Nioh" or "Okami" may I suggest "World of Demons" by Platinum Games. I am certain you know them.
Finally "Oceanhorn 2" I have not played but given what I have seen I have no doubt its a worthy title if you are a fan of the Zelda series (one would have to be nuts not to).
Congrats on that new phone + free Apple Arcade subscription, with that you can run all these games amazingly. They may run even better on a next gen Apple TV. For that we will need to wait a bit longer.
Pro tip: You can connect your Dualshock 4 or Dualsense to your iphone via bluetooth very seamlessly. Have fun.
Well there is Apple with Apple Arcade. Amazon is also revving up with Amazon Games. The gaming division of these companies are small now, but nevertheless both companies are investing heavily and using the ridiculous leveraging power they hold. More importantly and unlike Google; Both Apple and Amazon are incredibly stubborn, they wont give up so easily. You will see.
As a matter of fact I am already seeing amazing games on Apple Arcade. I can mention a couple.
@thomaswmak: All I can say is Xbox isn't putting any stops. If Sony so much as slips, Xbox can easily take valuable market share from Sony. This isn't only about Sony Vs Xbox either, there are new immerging players as well. You only need to pay close attention to the happenings of late.
EmmanuelGuerrero's comments