Let's see...
I just 100% Red Dead Redemption. That was a couple months in the making. Now I can move onto Undead Nightmare and not feel an itching sensation that I have something else to do as Jack. Been playing a little Singularity... watching Netflix. I work mornings, so my nights are always free. I bought V for Vendetta on Blu-Ray and watched that a couple times. Just completed the Oasis on Fallout 3 and then proceeded to bring slaves from Rivet City to the mercenary town. Nice group of folks. Did a little Bioshock 2. Got me some hypnotize EVE. I bought Tekken 2, Castlevania: SotN and Plants vs. Zombies a few months ago, so I've finally had a chance to tool around with those a bit.
Oh and I've been laughing at people on the internet pissing and moaning about PSN being down acting like there's NOTHING you can do without being online with it.
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