@KamuiFei @emptycow718 i said ms is not doing a world wide launch and the reason for that is to put all the hardware in the markets that matter the u.s and uk
@AzoroFox- @emptycow718 @KamuiFei launch day for my ps4 i have killzone for my xboxone i have dead rising,killer instinct,forza 5,ryse and call of duty on xboxone running on a dedicatedservers unlike the ps4
@KamuiFei @emptycow718 you do know sony has less launch units then microsoft ...microsoft has more xboxone systems then sony has ps4 systems in the us and uk microsoft is going to smash sony thats why they are not doing a world wide launch guess whats going to happen when people cant find the ps4 later this year in the us and uk lmfao
@AzoroFox- @emptycow718 @arkhamcity55 hey if the ps4 is sold out then why was i able to get a day one unit of the ps4 and not the xboxone i like sony but they got the fear of god in them they know microsoft is out for the kill this gen
@arkhamcity55 @emptycow718 titanfall was rated best of e3 2013 im getting a ps4 and xboxone but i am sure i will be stuck playing the xboxone for the simple fact it has more games and better games then the ps4
@AzoroFox- @emptycow718 @arkhamcity55 xboxone = sold out xboxone = more launch units then the ps4 xboxone = more launch games then ps4 ....ps4=over rated launch
@arkhamcity55 xboxone = 3x more units then the ps4 launch and sold out of pre orders xboxone=more games at launch the ps4 launch is a joke one game worth buying killzone and guess what call of duty on ps4= no dedicatedservers xboxone call of duty has dedicatedservers
@amir_g_m never going to happen ms paid to have this game made capcom was going to scrap dead rising microsoft saved it so dead rising could be locked in as a xbox exclusive forever
emptycow718's comments