@udmatador sorry but sony just got twitch and cable support stuff xboxone had in place a year ago also the ps4 launch is going to be pure trash "killzone shadow fall Release Date 12/31/2013" also you think sony is ahead of ms in software lmfao keep dreaming
@BamaGoatt @emptycow718 @cheese232323 in order for devs to us tech the system must make that tech standard thats just how it works this is why no dev will support the sony move or sony eye if you buy that tech you will be buying paper weights
@BamaGoatt @emptycow718 @cheese232323 and where are the games all i got on the ps4 at launch at best is 1 game killzone on the xboxone i got killer instinct,forza 5,dead rising 3 ryse and just a few weeks later titanfall ps4 i got in the launch window not launch day killzone and around 5 months later infamous second son and thats just a maybe sony could pull that game back another 6 months who knows
@BamaGoatt @emptycow718 @cheese232323 the first kinect was pure trash but i saw many tech demos of the kinetc 2.0 its the real deal the things just as good as the motion cameras they make video games with and by having it in every box unlike the first kinect it gives me more hope devs will really us it for all its worth a brothers in arms game would be awesome on the kinect 2.0
@BamaGoatt @emptycow718 @cheese232323 its called a standard sony needs to learn it sony took the camera out the box and now we are stuck with a stupid glowing light and know this no 3rd party will support the sony eye by sony taking it out the box made it a paper weight like the sony move by microsoft putting the kinect in every box every dev can use the kinect no dev will use the ps eye
@BamaGoatt @emptycow718 @cheese232323 the sony eye is a paper weight just like the sony move the only reason sony was going to put that camera in the box was to copy microsoft sony showed nothing the sony eye could do over the old ps eye sony also had zero software using the new sony eye all they had was one tech demo microsoft on the other hand has games using the kinect 2.0 and the system interface is built with the kinect in mind i am getting a ps4 launch day and a xboxone and i know sony is half assing it launch and rushing the ps4
@RicanV @emptycow718 you are talking abouT porting that could take up to a year sony is just tALKING OUT ITS ass when they said one free game a month on the ps4 it wont happen for the first year or 2 of the ps4
@RicanV @emptycow718 @BamaGoatt @cheese232323 read the stroy again killzone shadow fall = launch window game not launch day i am talking about launch day not launch window ..launch window could be over a month from the ps4 launch sony said it themself killzone is launch window not launch day
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