@RicanV in case you forgot sony wants to make money and so do 3rd party devs do you think 3rd party devs are just going to give games away for free not going to happen
@rebelformetal in the uk fifa 14 comes with the xboxone for free so you get a xboxone for $500 with a $60 game that makes the kinect $40 and it comes with the system that makes the xboxone cheaper then the ps4 fifa14 and the sony eye ....ps4,sony eye,fifa 14 = $520 xboxone ,kinect camera ,fifa14 =$500
@Sun-Tzu-GE @emptycow718 i can say to you learn how to read also i will be flagging your comments "drive club,knack,killzone launch window games not launch day "
@Sun-Tzu-GE @emptycow718 drive club is also launch window last i heard drive club was only 30% done looks like another great lie from sony microsft is going to have the better launch again
nintendo first party games are just more mario and the 3rd party support is sad nintendo should just call it quits when it comes to making home consoles they were never vary good at it the nes ,snes were good the n64,gamecube,wii and wiiu are just trash
@Yomigaeru ps3.xbox360 gta 5 coming next month people wont be buying a wiiu also the next gen systems are coming out just weeks before mk8,ssb so again i see no one getting a wiiu in 2013 or 2014 maybe even 2015
emptycow718's comments