@noandno @emptycow718 sony fans are not loyal they just act like they are sony makes some great games and its a shame they will for sure stop making many of the exclusives they have the reason for that is sony "fans" dont buy sony exclusives but xbox fans buy xbox exclusives every time
@noandno @emptycow718 yes but if you did not start playing halo on the first xbox then it dont count you are a new fan who never got any of the other games i am talking about the real fans
@noandno @emptycow718 did you get halo 1,2,3, reach,4 if not then you are not a big fan of the games but for the real fans they will be getting a xboxone over a ps4 and that a vary large number
@noandno @emptycow718 @Evilgenius4u69 and how do you come up with that ? you do know this gen most ps3 owners also owned a xbox360 no need to switch over every person i know owns a ps3 and xbox360
@noandno @emptycow718 @Evilgenius4u69 the xbox brand has more loyal fans thats why xbox360 exclusives smash sony last of us sold 1 million copies in the u.s halo 4 sold almost 6 million copies in the u.s alone
@noandno @emptycow718 @b74kd3th to sony fanboys all the xboxone games are crap but all the ps4 games are awesome lol what a joke dude i am getting both consoles an i think knack and driveclub look like crap thats why sony wont put out even one direct video feed of driveclub or knack yet you can find many videos of ryse ,killer instinct,forza etc
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